The Capture

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Fifty parts! Wow! This is like the longest story i have ever written! I feel so acomplished! 

I've put two POVs in this chapter as a special treat for sticking with me for fifty chapters (even though there were a lot of bumps in the road to get here...)!


 - The Creator's POV -

“Guys, I need to show you something.” I spoke urgently after all the excitement had begun to subside.

“What is it?” Gonzales demanded, worried.

“When I was trapped by this Creator guy, he showed me something. I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's dangerous. I think you guys should see this.” I explained hurriedly. I needed them to go before Stephano and Barrel returned. I couldn't trust either of them now, and this was the perfect opportunity. I couldn't waste this.

“Please, I think something bad's going to happen. We need to go now!” I pleaded.

“But what about Stephano? Shouldn't we wait for him?” Mr. Chair wondered.

“No, I think it's some kind of bomb! We need to go now! Please.” I tried to give them a pleading look, but I wasn't entirely sure how it came out on Emara's face. This would have been much easier if I could use Emara's power, but she was still blocking it from me. I guess I looked okay because Gonzales and everyone agreed to move fast. I smiled inwardly. This was perfect.

I grabbed Emara's sword and marched out of the room, the others quick to follow. I maneuvered like an expert through the halls, taking short cuts and such so in only a matter of minutes, we were to far away for anyone to hear us or find us quickly. I whistled loudly, and smiled wickedly.

“Emara...?” What's going on!? Why did you whistle like that?” Kera questioned nervously.

I giggled, “Because you foolish girl. I'm not Emara. I am The Creator, and I've been looking forward to this for a very long time.”

I saw fear pass over their faces and Piggeh commanded everyone to run, but it was far to late for that.

“Get 'em, boys.” I laughed like a mad man, which wasn't actually that far off from what I really was. Monsters started pouring in from everywhere. In seconds, there were about fifty of them crowded in the halls.

Ella screamed something about her vision, but the mass amounts of grunts coming from the monsters drowned out any other noise. I was laughing hysterically.

“Finally! Finally the world will be mine!” I screamed.

To Hell with that! Emara screamed and kicked the walls of, now my mind. This was worse than any other time before. I fell to my knees and clutched my head. The pain resonated through my mind was almost at the point of unbearable. I screamed.

“You stupid BRAT!” I screamed closing my eyes and going into her cell. She had broken free of her bonds and was trying to break through the walls again. I went to try and grab her again, but I was hit with another bolt of pain. I knew I wasn't going to be able to maintain control for now, so instead of trying I opened my eyes and commanded my monsters to take me and treat me as one of the others.

“It's to late, you pest. There is no escape now.” I chuckled evilly.

“We'll see about that.” She replied smiling just as evilly at me. With another burst of pain, I fell to the floor of the cell. Emara slipped through and regained control over her body. It was going to be a while before I could manage to squeeze out of here, but everything had already been set into motion. It didn't matter now.

-Emara's POV-

I opened my eyes and I realized it was my eyes. I sighed with relief. I knew he was still in my mind, but at least for now I could be me, and I had the satisfaction with knowing that I had beat him and I was stronger than him. He's a jerk and likes to think himself superior, but really he's only a little brat, having a tantrum.

I felt hands wrap around my arms. I jerked back into reality, but it was too late. I was being taken somewhere by the monsters. I struggled, but I wasn't strong enough to break their grasp. I looked around; my mouth dropped open. There were so many monsters crowded into this tiny area. I knew The Creator meant business, but i wasn't expecting this. 

The monsters began to head down the hall way to the left, dragging me with them. Two more monsters started walking next to me dragging Ella along with them.

“Ella!” I screamed only to realize that she was unconscious. To my right another pair of monsters passed dragging a struggling Loren.

“Loren!” I tried again.

“You! Why are they dragging you too? You're not Emara and screw you for ever pretending you were!” Loren screamed at me and continue to struggle.

“Loren, please its me now! You have to believe me! The Creator took over my body, but it's me now, I was able to fight him off for now and retake my body! Please!” I pleaded with her.

Loren was breathing heavily now, realizing she wasn't going to be able to get away she just started walking normally with the monsters as I was.

“Fine, I believe you.” Loren grumbled.

“Thank you! Now, do you know what's going on?” I wondered.

“He's in your head, can't you read his mind or something?” Loren asked.

“I don't think so. He's better at these mind games than I am. I think he's found a way to block me from his thoughts.” I answered, “Man, if only Ella was here...”


“Nothing, but I wasn't really able to see what was going on, I don't really know what he did while he had control.”

“I don't know. You lead us here and then all these monsters started coming from everywhere. Ella started screaming that this was her vision and then she passed out. Then you started screaming at something. I couldn't exactly see what was going on but it looked like you passed out. Now you're all caught up.” Loren answered. Then the monsters started growling really loud making it impossible to hear anything. I wanted to cover my ears but I couldn't.

Alright Emara, let's see if we can figure out what's going on. I thought to myself and closed my eyes. I tried to focus on the cage. Perhaps if I could find it, I could find The Creator and figure out what was going on.

It was weird, trying to find something inside my own mind. It was kind of like trying to remember something that you never even knew, but also, like it was on the tip of your tong all at the same time. I tried to focus, but with all the groans from the monsters, I was having a hard time.

Then, as if I always knew how, I went deep inside my mind, and suddenly, I was inside the cage. The Creator was curled up on the ground. He was clutching his head as if in pain. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I shook my head. I couldn't start feeling sorry for him. I had a job to do.

I moved forward and placed my head onto his. He didn't move. I wondered if he even realized I was here. I sighed and tried to reach into his mind with mine. I gasped as his thoughts started to pour into my mind. I jerked away from him and my eyes snapped open. I was back in the real world and not in the cage. I started breathing heavily.

“Loren...” I gasped, “Loren!”

“What's going on?” She replied.

“The Creator... I looked into his mind... he... he's going to try and open a portal to our world. He wants to release the monsters from this world into our world. I don't know what he wants to do with the monsters, but these monsters could kill a lot of people! We have to stop it!"

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