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This chapter has a few cuss words. Fair warning.

 -Barrel's POV-

Ella and I stumbled out into the hall, giggling about something I couldn't even remember. We rested against the wall as we tried to calm our giggles and compose ourselves.

“Ah, this was fun.” Emara smiled.

“Yes, it was.” I replied, smiling too.

“We should hang out more.”

I smirked, “I don't think the others would approve.”

“Oh, who cares about them! I don't care what they think.” She looked up at me.


“No buts! You like me, don't you?” She demanded.

“Yes, of course.” I told her, leaning down and kissing her softly.

“Then it doesn't matter.” Ella whispered breathless.

To hell it doesn't... The Creator growled loudly inside my head, leave now, before I hurt you! Before I hurt her!

I gasped, “Ella... I have to go! I'm sorry. I really loved tonight, and I'm sorry I have to cut it short, but I must go now. I can't stay any longer. Please don't be hurt. I'll see you soon.”


I cut her short by giving her a hurried kiss. Then I fled, not giving her a chance to say anything.

“Barrel! Wait!” She screamed after me. I didn't turn to look at her I just continued to run as quickly as possible. I made it to the stairs and into my room before she managed to catch up with me. I slammed the door and locked it. I took the key, closed my eyes and threw the key. That way, no matter what, neither me or The Creator knew where it was. I couldn't get out. He couldn't get out. Everyone was safe.


My head exploded in pain and I screamed. Imagine the worst pain you have ever felt, then multiply that by a thousand. That's the kind of pain that was going through my head. I screamed again. My voiced raised more octaves than I knew I was capable of. I screamed until I couldn't breath right anymore.

That was the last thing I remember before the pain blocked out my reason. I couldn't think anymore... I couldn’t function... My body was shaking uncontrollably and I was convinced I was going to die. The Creator was going to kill me with my own mind. I screamed until I blacked out unable to get enough oxygen in my system to keep me awake.

-Ella's POV-

I stood there dumbfounded as I watched Barrel run away. I was hurt. Why did he have to leave so quickly? Did I say something wrong? Should I try and go after him? Probably not.

I sighed and headed back to the others. When I got there, I didn't bother going back to the party, I just went to the bedroom and lay down. Eventually, everyone came into the room. I guess Piggeh and Kera went off to do whatever they were going to do. Loren lay down on the other bed, but Mr. Chair didn't come back. I wondered where he was, but I didn't worry much about it I was to tired and to hurt and confused to care. Eventually I fell asleep.

Dun Dun Duuuun! 

Okay so it's not that long, but still intense. I added Ella's into this chapter because I thought it was to short to be it's own. 

Thanks for reading! 

AwakeningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ