Barrel Isn't All That Bad

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-Barrel's POV-

As soon as the other left, I collapsed onto the ground as pain filled my head.

"AAH! I'M SORRY! PLEASE! STOP!" I exclaimed.

'What the hell! You couldn't just control her for ten minutes! You had her! You could have taken her then, but you let the others take her away!' The Creator screamed inside my head.

"It wasn't my fault! Why do you need her anyway! I actually like her, and you want to take her away from me!" I demanded.

'Don't you get it by now!? No one will ever love you. I will. I will always be here for you. You don't need her when you have me!' The Creator laughed wickedly.

"Yeah, but-"

'No! You can't doubt me. I only want what's best for you. Trust me, this is what you want... You don't want to be lonely anymore. I will be your friend forever, you just have to trust me, now, go back to our room. We need to plan this out better.' The Creator commanded me.

"I- yeah... Okay, I trust you..." I replied and started back towards my room.

'Good. You know, I'm only looking out for your best interest, right?'

"I know..."


Oooh, so who's this new guy? And what is it he wants with Ella!?

Dub dun duuuun!

I know it's kind of short, but the longer better chapters are yet to come!

HUGZ! (>^-^)>

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