Stephano's stress

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-Stephano’s POV-

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no… I kept repeating that one word in my head. I kept zipping from bed to bed. Pewdie, my best friend was out cold. Gonzales, my brother, was severely injured. And Emara, my… ‘Friend’, was also out cold.

I glanced over at Mr. Chair and Loren every now and then to see if she was awake yet.

“Stephano,” Mr. Chair called me.

I stopped and looked at him. He was in Chairmode with Loren sleeping on top of him.

“What?” I asked a little more harsh than intended.

“Calm down. Stressing like this isn’t going to help anyone. Sit down and just take a break.” Mr. Chair commanded me.

“How am I supposed to relax!” I growled. I stood there for a moment but pulled up a wooden chair up to Emara’s bed. I sat there staring at her sleeping form for what seemed like an eternity.

“Please wake up, Emara…” I whispered. I leaned forward as if being closer to her would help her come back to me. “Please… If I lose you… I’ll be lost without you…”

I heard noise from behind. I turned around and saw Loren had woken up.

Thank goodness, they can come back! I celebrated in my mind, at least one thing was certain. One thing I can stop worrying about.

I turned back around and looked at Emara’s sleeping face again. I wasn’t really paying attention to what Loren and Mr. Chair were talking about, but one thing stood out.

“We woke up in the real world and I went back to sleep to see if I could come back to Amnesia. But Emara probably won’t wake up in a while because of her Insomnia,” Loren explained to Mr. Chair.

“Emara has insomnia?!” I exclaimed, the small celebration was slowly dying. Now, there was no telling how long it could take.

“Yeah, sometimes she has to take medicine to get to sleep.” Loren answered.

She frowned at me but I turned back around to Emara.

“Gosh dang it! Just wake up…” I cursed. My stomach was clenched in a tight fist. It was knotted so tight it hurt. I hugged my stomach and leaned over. I laid my head on the bed. I’d never felt this way before. There was nothing I wanted more in this world than for her to wake up.

Is this love? I asked myself. I sat up and shook my head. I-I liked her. I didn’t love her. Besides I was probably just over reacting. I was just worried. When she woke up, or fell asleep in her world, I will calm down. I took a deep breath and shook my head again. I was just over reacting. My thoughts instantly snapped to Larena. I closed my eyes and forced the thought away. I would not think about her now. I would not!

After a moment I saw Loren and Mr. Chair walk over to Gonzales’s bed.

“He needs new bandages,” Loren pointed out.

“Yeah,” Mr. Chair agreed. I watched them work on him for a little bit before getting up to join them. Gonzales had woken up for a couple moments earlier and explained what happened vaguely. After we did Gonzales’s bandages I went back to Emara’s side waiting for her to come back from her world to ours however long I would have to wait, it was too long. I moved closer to her and shook her shoulder when her eyes fluttered open slowly.

I sighed relieved with a smile forming on my face, “You’re awake!”

 “Uhh… yeah…” She mumbled, her face was growing red.

I laughed and moved away to give her space, “Loren said you had insomnia so it might be hard for you to fall asleep back in your world. You had been asleep for awhile I just tried to help you get back here… I-I don’t want to lose you…” I looked at the floor trying to hide my face that I felt growing slightly warm. My stomach did flip flops from admitting that.

“I don’t want to lose you either…” Emara told me smiling.

I looked up and smiled back at her overjoyed that she said what she did.

“Did anything happen while I was out?” She asked.

“Nothing big,” I replied.

Emara looked up at me. She hugged me.

“Just try to let some stress go and relax.” Emara told me.

I was a bit surprised but slowly hugged her back.

“How did you know I was stressing?” I asked surprised.

“Oh, um… I can  sort of read people’s emotions…” Emara admitted.

Ta-Da! Two more chapters! These chapters were more of just kind of gushy romatic stuff for you guys! V&R please!

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