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-Stephano's POV-

I sighed as me and Gonzales walked down the hall in search for Jennifer. I was a lot more keen to find her than Piggeh.

“What's wrong, brother?” Gonzales questioned. He never did miss anything.

I smiled a little at Gonzales calling me brother. I truly did miss him, thought I didn't want to admit that to him, “It's nothing really.”

“It's obviously something.” He replied.

“Emara... She so... I don't know. She's just so much different than me. She's so much different than... her.” I explained.

“Maybe that's a good thing. You need someone like her. You need someone who's free spirited, because we all know you don't have one!” Gonzales laughed.

“Hey! I have a free spirit! I love adventure!” I exclaimed.

“Sure Mr. Overprotective.”

“I just want to keep everyone safe!” I defended myself.

“Okay, but still, you have to loosen up a little!” Gonzales laughed.

“Gonzales? Stephano? Is that you?” I heard a soft voice ask.

“Who's there!?” I demanded.

“It's me... Jennifer...” She murmured coming out of the shadows so we could see her.

“Jennifer! Just the girl we where looking for!” Gonzales smiled.

Jennifer blushed, only it look more liker her gray colored cheeks just got darker gray, “M-me...? W-why do y-you want m-me?” She wondered.

“We are having a party and we want you to be there!” Gonzales explained.

“A party? I've never been to a party...” Jennifer whispered.

“That's why we are inviting you.” I smiled.

“O-okay. I'll come. When is it?” She wondered.

“In about two hours.” Gonzales informed her.

“Okay... Um... Will Pewdie be there?” She questioned.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Okay.” She smiled and turned, walking away with heavy footsteps as she always did.

I turned toward Gonzales, “What was that!?”

“What was what!?” Gonzales demanded.

“I might be Mr. OverProtective, but you are Mr. SmoothTalker!” I laughed.

“Whatever! I was just being nice.” Gonzales scoffed jokingly.

“Yeah, but that's not how she felt.” I laughed.

“Lets go find Piggeh.” Gonzales pushed me lightly, before continuing down the hall.

“Uh... do we have to? We could just say we couldn't find him.” I offered.

“Oh, come on, Stephano. He can't be that bad.” Gonzales rolled his eyes.

I ran up and gripped Gonzales by the shoulders, “You have NO idea. He is that bad!!

“Whatever. We still have to go and invite him at least. We told Emara that we would.” Gonzales said pushing past me.

“Uuuuuugh...” I sighed following Gonzales.

Soon, we came up to a strange looking part of the castle. I knew we were getting close when we turned down a hallway that was lit by red burning candles making the whole hallway glow red. It was a tiny bit unsettling.

There was only one door in this hall, all the way at the end. It was the door that lead into Piggeh's room. I had tried my best to avoid every entering there, all though I had been “invited” many times. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Piggeh called from within.

I coughed nervously, “It's Stephano and Gonzales.”

“Stephano!?” I heard him just as the door flung open. He kept the door shut mostly so we couldn't see into the room easily. I wasn't sure if I was glad or scared of this. He wore a pink shirt that was all torn up along with brown pants that were also torn up. His pink hair was flipped over his head to the right with pig ears sprouting from the top of his head. His eyes were a dark pink and it seemed like a seductive look was permanently plastered onto his face.

“Well, look at that. It's been a long time since I've had two strong, good looking men show up at my door. What can I do for you two today?” Piggeh asked licking his lips. I swallowed.

“W-well... we wanted to... invite you to a party we are having.” I explained.

“A party?” He giggled, “I'd love to attend. Can I bring a plus one?”

Who the hell would his plus one be!? “Uh, yeah sure.”

Piggeh suddenly grabbed me by the collar and pulled me really close to him. He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, “Thanks Sugar.” Before licking my ear and pushing away from me and into his room, closing the door in my face.

I stood there for a long time just staring at his door. I started shivering. I turned sharply and marched away as fast as I could without actually running. I had to get out of there.

“Stephano!” Gonzales called after me.

Then I did started running, and I just kept running. There aren't a lot of things in the world that can make my skin crawl, but he's one of them. I just realized that I never told Piggeh what time the party was suppose to start, but I didn't think it mattered. Piggeh had a strange way of always know everything that happened in the castle.

 I drew a picture of Piggeh, and I would love to show it to you guys, but I don't know how to add it... If someone could help me... I would appreciate it... -_-

HUGZ! (>^-^)>

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