Loren to the Rescue

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-Loren’s POV-

“Hey, Stephano?” I asked getting his attention. Seeing him hug Emara reminded me that I wanted to speak with him.

“Yeah?” He answered.

“Can I talk to you… alone?” I asked looking at Emara and pointing toward the corner across the long room.

“Okay,” He pulled away from Emara and followed me over to the corner.

“What is it?” Stephano wondered when we were out of hearing distance.

“I… I wanted to talk to you about Emara.”

“Oh… what about her?” Stephano asked suspiciously looking away.

“Oh, give me a break! I don’t have to be Sherlock Homes to see what’s going to happen if not already.” I exclaimed rolling my eyes.

“Where are you going with this?”

Without giving it too much thought, of course, I quickly took his sword and held it against his throat, “Stephano, I’ve got nothing against you, honestly. I think you’re a cool person, but I can’t tell the future. Although, I have noticed that you and Emara care for each other. I’m just here to make sure you don’t hurt her. She… she’s a strong person, but I don’t want her to get hurt again. She left her boyfriend for you, even though he was a douche in the first place.” I raised an eyebrow at Stephano.

“Wait, she had a boyfriend?” Stephano asked shocked.

“Yeah, but the point is… are you sure you want to be with her? It might be sudden but she is.”

“Really?” Stephano asked lightening up a bit.

“Yes, but she needs to know that you are serious before it gets too far. Yes or no?” Loren demanded.

“Yes, I am sure.” He replied without hesitation.

“Good.” I passed him back his sword, “Just don’t break her heart or there will be hell to pay, Mister.”

I turned starting to walk away when I saw one of Pewdiepie’s “Bros” pick up Emara and shake her around before throwing her into a wall head first. I watched her body crumple to the ground. Blood was covering her head. Her light brown hair was already stained crimson. I looked down to realize my sword was already in my hands.

“Emara!!!” I screamed. She didn’t respond. My mind imagined the worst. I thought she was dead. My best friend lay dead on the ground and I felt like it was my entire fault, again.

“No! I’m not losing someone else, not now, not ever!” I screamed in fury.

I looked around noticing a few more of the creatures were in the room and they were still coming. Mr. Chair, and Felix were heading toward Stephano and I when I noticed Mr. Chair was saying something, but all I could hear was white noise. The only thing that made sense was killing those creatures.

 I ran across the room dragging my gold weapon through every monster that came my way, which ended up being all of them, making my way toward Emara and the cruel creature that attacked her in the first place. Suddenly, I felt a burning feeling spread across my torso right before one of the dying creatures fell to the ground, but I didn’t care.

When I was finally close enough to get a look at whatever attacked Emara I noticed it was a lot different from the other usual Amnesia monsters it had a large circular piece of metal around its neck and a few other pieces that were either strapped or seemed to be lodged into its skin every limb or so. It also looked remotely human unlike the other monster except where its eyes should be there was just gaping black holes and let’s just say that it was a he.

The sane part of me was startled but the insane part of me was in control. That part just chopped and sliced the monster until it was unrecognizable. I felt it grab my arm but I kicked him in the stomach to knock him back but when he fell he didn’t get back up. I came down to my knees trying to regain my breath while I crawled over to Emara’s body.

“Emara… are you still here?” I asked pleadingly. All I got out of her was a light whimper. “Thank god you’re still alive” I said grabbing her hand for comfort. Stephano raced over to Emara’s side. I heard someone come behind me and I pulled out my sword again to turn to find out it was Mr. Chair.

“Oh, sorry,” I apologized putting my sword away again. The burning kept growing worse but I did what I could to ignore it.

“Is she okay?” he asked calmly.

“I-I think so. She’s asleep in this world I just wonder if she’s okay there.”

Mr. Chair put his hand on my shoulder when his eyes grew wide. “Loren, that’s not Emara’s or the monster’s blood is it?!” he said pointing at my shirt which was soaked in blood. Four large gashes that reached from my left shoulder to my right hip diagonally were ripped into my torso.

“No… it’s mine,” I mumbled in shock. I quickly clutched my shoulder where I noticed it seemed to be bleeding the worst and winced. I should have known what the pain was. How was I stupid enough not to notice? I pulled my hand away it was already colored a deep crimson red. “I’m losing too much blood.” I bent over the floor no longer able to hold myself up. The blood was now dripping down my arm. I closed my eyes and scrunched my face up in pain. I felt dizzy. I could feel my conciseness slipping away.

Surprisingly Mr. Chair was able to pick me up and gently brought me next to Emara over to the wall, but when he came back down to the ground I stayed in his arms.

“It’s okay it’s not that bad.” He tried to reassure me.

“No just tell me the truth.”

“I don’t know what’s going to happen, Loren, I don’t know. It’s not good but your strong you’ll make it.” Mr. Chair’s voice cracked on the last word.

“That’s more like it… Will you promise me something?”


“Keep everyone safe until I get back… and just keep being you, alright Mr. Smartychair?”

“Aright I promise.”

I smiled back at him through the pain and I finally let go of this world until the next time I escaped to Amnesia.

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