Coming Back

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-Emara’s POV-

I slowly opened my eyes wondering what had just happened, imagining the worst. I couldn’t believe it, I was back in my room as if nothing happened, but it felt too real to be a dream. I looked over at Loren who I noticed was staring at me with huge, curious eyes.

“What happened?” I asked not really expecting an answer.

“I just started to get dizzy and tired like last night and passed out… I finally understand what all that annoying beeping was about,” she explained pointing at my noisy alarm clock.

“Oh…” I was surprised. I barely noticed it and quickly stopped the alarm. I turned off the alarm so it wouldn’t go off again the next day.

“I guess Mr. Chair was right…” Loren replied sadly, “I- do you think we can go back?”

“I don’t know…” I replied honestly, “We’re still in our Amnesia clothes! Well, at least we know it wasn’t a dream…”

“Yeah!” Loren exclaimed happily. She looked under the covers at herself.

“I still have Stephano’s sword, I mean my sword!” Loren smiled evilly.

I looked down at myself and looked away sick. Why did there have to be so much blood?

“I should change…” I replied weakly.

I moved over to my dresser. I noticed that I also had my sword still. I took it off  and changed into a pair of jeans and a dark gray long sleeved shirt with two black stripes across the chest. I put on a pair of socks and put my black converse high-tops on. I shoved the clothes I had on before into a drawer. I'm sure if my mom saw a bunch of bloody clothes in my hamper she would freak. I changed into a different undershirt and out of my shorts.

Loren went to her dresser and changed into a black long sleeved under shirt and a red t-shirt that read “Let’s get weird,” and a pair of dark blue jeans. Loren wasn't related to me by blood but she was my best friend and adopted sister, but that is a story for another time.

“Put your shoes on as well.” I reminded her.

“Okay,” Loren slipped on some socks and put her all black tennis shoes.

“Try to go back to sleep,” I told her.

“Right,” Loren laid back down.

I went back to my mattress as well, putting my sword back on. Ten minutes passed and I heard Loren talking to herself in her sleep.

 I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. An hour passed and I was still awake. I frowned. I guess my insomnia was coming back. I sighed getting up and walked outside my room. My room was at the end of the house. Across from my room on the other side of the hall way was my parent’s room and next to that was my sister’s room. Across the hall from her room and next to my room was my brother’s room.

At the end of the hall way was the kitchen/ dining area. Across the kitchen were two doors one that led to the living room and the other one that led to my laundry room. Directely to the right of the hall was a door from the kitchen to the bathroom. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen and into the bathroom.

When I was done I walked out and took a long look around my kitchen. I felt so weird, to be back in my own house. I was tempted to take one of my sleeping pills but decided against potential drug abuse. I walked back to my room and laid back down.

You know that feeling you get when you are just beginning to fall asleep and you feel like your falling?  I got that feeling but it felt 10 times as powerful. My eyes shot open but I was safe in my bed. I was terrified. I passed out and woke to see Stephano’s face above mine. I was suddenly hit by a wall of strong emotions. Panic, fear, relief, sadness, determination, and something else that surprised me. I felt longing.  Then my face blushed due to my own emotions. Stephano’s face was inches from mine.

Stephano sighed relieved, “You’re awake!” He smiled.

“Uhh… yeah…” I said dumbly, not thinking straight.

Stephano laughed and moved away, “Loren said you had insomnia so it might be hard for you to fall asleep back in your world. You had been asleep for awhile I just tried to help you get back here… I-I don’t want to lose you…” Stephano looked at the floor trying to hide his reddening face.

My stomach did flip flops, and I could tell mine wasn’t the only one, “I don’t want to lose you either…” I smiled at him.

He looked up and smiled back at me. I realized I was lying in a bed. We moved rooms.

“Did anything happen while I was out?” I asked.

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