Shopping Trip

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-Emara's POV-

"Thank you," Barrel thanked Ella for her complement. I sat down and took a sip of my tea as well. It was delicious! I thanked Barrel for the tea. I didn't know who he was or why Ella didn't like him but he seemed nice enough to me. I stood from my chair again and walked around the room to the bookcases. There were so many books. I couldn't even read half the titles because they were in a different language. Loren would probably obsess over the books even if she couldn't read some of them, and now that I think about it Mr. Chair might too.

I started to realize I have to get back soon. How was Stephano reacting to our fight? Is Loren okay? Are they all safe? ... Am I safe?

"Um... Barrel," I tried to gain his attention.


"Do you know your way around this building?" I asked.

"Well, I know some parts. I don't know EVERY detail, but I know the main outlook of the area. Why?"

"Oh, I was just curious..." I mumbled looking back at the books. Ella and Barrel were talking about something but I wasn't really paying attention. I was trying to think of way to ask about the building without being completely obvious. I felt the mood in the room shift a bit. I felt... affection.

I looked back over at Ella and Barrel. Was... she starting to like him...? I shook my head. I didn't really know how to respond to that. I looked around the room some more and realized there was a door on the opposite side of the room from we entered.

"Where does that lead?" the question came out before I could stop it.

"Just... to the other side of the tower... Why so curious?" Barrel wanted to know.

"Uh, I'm a curious person! I just like to observe my surroundings..." I told him looking away.

Ella looked at me funny. I knew she could probably tell I wasn't giving the whole truth. I picked up a book and flipped through the book, but I couldn't read it. A piece paper fell out of the book. I looked over at Barrel. He wasn't paying attention. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a map of the building! I folded it up and put the paper in my pocket. That would be useful. I put that book away and picked up another. This one I could actually read. I opened it up to the first page. It looked like it was a journal! I glanced back up at Barrel, but he wasn't paying any attention to me.

Bonus Conversation Number 2 (During writing process)


E- What do you mean?

L- I JUST wrote about them making a map and you just decide to give Emara one!

E- Yup

L- I hate you so much right now

E- ... LoL

L- ... F**K YOU... jk... maybe

E- You know you love me :D

End Conversation

I started to read the journal. I still wasn't sure whose it was.

Entry 1

I found this notebook today. I figured I should keep a journal. It couldn't hurt to record my daily activities. Yesterday, I just wondered around this huge place. Some areas of the castle are very strange. One area was filled with strange creatures and monsters with weird faces. I left that area and vowed never to return. I found a large tower today as well. I climbed the enormous number of stairs and when I finally reached the very top, I found a very large bedroom. I flopped down on the bed and fell asleep, for I was exhausted. I had done nothing but explore the entire day! When I awoke I found this empty notebook on one of the large bookcases that occupy one side of the room. I like this place. I might claim it as my own. For all I know this place is empty. I could claim this whole place as my own, who would stop me?

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