Hurting and Healing

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-Mr. Chair’s POV-

I stood next to Gonzales watching Loren talk to Stephano noticing she had a sword held up to him. Whatever was going on, I didn’t want to know. I’m glad we finally had a break from running. I haven’t gotten much rest in a while from taking watch and I was tired, but it was worth it if Loren was safe, and running for an hour straight practically carrying a fully grown man wasn’t helping. I didn’t quite think we were safe yet either those creatures weren’t ones to give up easily. I started to walk across the hallway like room to look around when a crashing noise broke through my thoughts.

The door that we used to enter this room burst open throwing chips and pieces of wood around the room. The monsters swarmed in the room barley giving anyone time to react. Pewdiepie immediately got up and worked his way across the room cursing very loudly. One of the Amnesia monsters came to the closest person to the door, which happened to be the unaware Emara. As soon as she turned to see what the noise was it picked her up shaking her like a ragdoll and threw her at the wall with all of its might.

I started to run toward her but I realized I would just end up getting myself killed if I tried to help her by myself so I turned to get the others when Loren ran passed me like lightning.

“Loren!” I screamed after her. What is she doing? She’s going to get herself killed!

She brought up her sword and sliced through her newly found prey like butter. I couldn’t help but watch in awe until one of them tried to hit back. I ran toward her trying not to trip over the bodies spread across the floor. iquickly pushed myself up off the floor but she had already killed all of the monsters. After she killed the last one, she craled over to Emara.

“Emara… are you still here?” she asked pleadingly. Emara whimpered as if she was trying to respond in her sleep. “Thank god you’re still alive”

Stephano raced over to Emara’s side. I came up to Loren when she turned pointing her sword at me.    

“Oh, sorry,” she apologized clearly stressed.

“Is she okay?”I asked pointing at Emara, hoping she was for Loren's and her own, sake.

“I-I think so. She’s asleep in this world I just wonder if she’s okay there.” Loren explained with a pained look on her face.

I put my hand on her shoulder noticing there were large pieces ripped on her shirt.

 “Loren, that’s not Emara’s or the monster’s blood is it?!” I said pointing at her shirt which was soaked in blood.

“No… it’s... mine,” she mumbled shocked. She quickly clutched her shoulder where blood was practically pouring out and winced. She pulled her hand away it was already colored a deep crimson red. “I’m losing too much blood.” She whispered as she bent over the floor no longer able to hold herself up; the blood was now dripping down her arm making a puddle.

I picked her up with strength I didn’t know I even had and brought her over to the wall. I steadily tried to slip my arms from under her so she could lean on the wall but when I did she slightly squeezed my arms so I gladly held her instead.

 “It’s okay it’s not that bad.”I tried to reassure her.

“No, just tell me the truth.”

“I don’t know what’s going to happen, Loren. I don’t know. It’s not good, but you’re strong you’ll make it.” I said not letting reality say otherwise.

“That’s more like it… Will you promise me something?”


“Keep everyone safe until I get back… and just keep being you, alright, Mr. Smarty Chair.”

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