There Goes Another One...

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-Loren’s POV-

The last few minutes were a blur, Felix and Gonzales fell through the doorway with blood spread on them and the floor like paint.

“Oh my gosh,” I could hear a distant voice whisper.

“Oh balls,” I blurted out in surprise.

“PEWDIE!” Stephano yelled. Stephano kneeled down beside the men, “What did you do Gonzales?”

I had to help I had to do something, anything for that matter. All I could think of was to stop the bleeding, it had to stop. I tore up my $50 dollar jacket not giving it a second thought. No one is going to die not now or any time soon.

“Put this on his wound,” I commanded Emara as I passed her the sleeve. I watched her put the sleeve on Gonzales’s stomach where there was a huge crimson colored hole in his silver clothing.

“We need to take them out of the open!” Mr. Chair called out.

I’m glad someone was thinking straight because I definitely wasn’t. For some reason I kept feeling like I was like I was slowly slipping away from reality. Something was definitely wrong and I could see it on Emara’s face whether she noticed it or not. I could tell it wasn’t just Gonzales or Pewdiepie that was setting everything off, but what?

Stephano picked up Gonzales and started commanding Mr. Chair into action. I followed them slowly losing my footing. Get a hold of yourself! My head started to spin when we reached a large dining room. I leaned over the large table in the room regaining my senses.

“I’ll be right back,” I heard Emara quickly informed speeding out of the room.

Stephano watched her leave the room with a concerned look etched on his face and turned back to Gonzales. Mr. Chair looked my way wearing the same face as Stephano.

“Are you ok?” he asked overly concerned.

“I’m fine… thanks though,” I answered slowly but confidently.

“Alright if you’re sure, you just look a little rattled up, that’s all,” he explained giving me a worried look.

“Okay here we go,” Emara burst in the room scaring Mr. Chair out of his wits, throwing a pile of sheets on the table. 

“Here,” I rushed toward Emara pulling out my sword. I started to cut up a few of the sheets passing the strips to her. All of a sudden I became light headed and fell to the ground on my knees clutching my head. “Emara…,” I whispered watching her start to fall to the ground. A loud ringing filled my ears and I heard voices, unable to recognize them due to the ringing. I fell back passed out cold.

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