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-Loren’s POV-

I exited the room and took a big breath. Tears were forming in my eyes but I blinked them away.

I’m okay… I’m okay… I told myself.

I sat in the dim light from one of the nearby torches for a while, before Emara stepped out. Her face immediately dropped and I knew she was reading my emotions.

“Loren…?” She asked softly.

“Mr. Chair asked about Kaitlin…” I explained.

“Yeah, with people wounded in there I kind of figured it was going to come up sooner or later…” She sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug.

“Loren, you tried your hardest… there was nothing else you could have done…” Emara patted my head and tried to calm me down. I let the tears slip out of my eyes soaking her jacket.

“If I could have just tried harder… If I went with my gut and told her to wait before coming home… if I had done something at all…” I hugged Emara close to me.

“Loren, you did everything you could under the circumstances. She loved you, I know she did. That’s all she wanted to tell you. She needed you to know that she loved you. You were there to hear her say that. You helped her die happy. That should be what you focus on. She loved you more than life its self.” Emara petted my head again. I could remember the day so clearly. It was the day my whole life fell apart.


“I don’t feel so good,” I complained into the phone.

“What’s wrong?” Kaitlin asked on the other side of the line.

“I just don’t feel right like something bad is going to happen…” I mumbled.

“It’ll be okay, your probably just having one of those moments.”

“What moments?!” I asked confused.

“I don’t know?! Dad just might start acting weird again; I’m not a fortune teller!” Kaitlin exclaimed.

“Alright just come home soon.” Loren gave in.

“Okay, I’ll be there at 5:00” She told me.

“Bye… Wait!”

“WHAT!” Kaitlin yelled annoyed.

“Drive carefully.” I pleaded.

“Okay, bye I love you.”

“I love you too.” I finished Still feeling weird.

After I hung up I played a few video games waiting for her to come back, bored out of my mind. When I heard a few loud honks come from outside.

“Okay, okay, I’m coming. Chill your beans, man,” I complained to myself.

I noticed it was Kaitlin but she was crying holding her stomach, but I couldn’t see why from the angle I was at. I ran toward the car as fast as my legs could take me.

“Kaitlin…nonononono…” I cried

“…Loren…it’s okay…just call the hospital…” she pleaded covered in blood. There was a long, deep gash through her stomach, pouring out her insides. “On the way home… a man said he needed… help right outside of town… but when I got out he-,” she started to cough up blood.

I pulled her up and made her lay down in the car so she didn’t lose blood as fast, and ran inside the house to grab the phone. I quickly called 911, stumbling over my words.

“Okay, we’ll be right there,” the 911 operator informed me after I told her what happened.

I quickly hung up and brought a few towels to the car.

“It’s okay, Kaitlin. You’re going to make it, you’re not dying on me-,” I put the towels over her stomach to cover up the cut.

“Loren… I’m not going to make it…,” she whispered weakly.

“No! Don’t say that. I can help you. You’re going to live.” I cried with tears streaming down my face.

“I love you…” she slowly closed her eyes one last time.

“I love you too,” I said gently stroking her straight blond hair, “Don’t die, please, don’t die!” I pleaded.

-Flashback End-

“She didn’t deserve it though. Why would someone do that?!” I yelled frustrated.

“No one deserves something like that, Loren. You did the best you could.” Emara said attempting to make me feel better.

“I know, but we had such terrible lives; a messed up family, abusive father, a mother that left us. When Kaitlin finally made something out of her life, some psycho on the side of the street just decided to kill some harmless girl driving by. After that it just got worse. Dad somehow found a way to blame it on me. He kicked me out of the house, and then later got himself killed. If your family wouldn’t have been there, Emara, I don’t know what would have happened.” I cried then laughed a little, “I haven’t cried like this in 3 years,”

"Good! Finally letting something out." Emara whispered quietly. I assumed I wasn't suppose to hear that, so I let it go.

 “Thanks, Emara.” I mumbled wiping the tears away after a moment.

“I know, Loren, I know… Do you want to go back in?” Emara asked giving me time to think.

“No, I don’t want them to worry. You know I don’t like getting emotional. You know when I’m in front of big groups, it makes me feel like an idiot,” I smiled.

“Here,” she handed me her jacket to clean up.

“Thanks,” I responded taking the jacket to wipe off my face and to stay warm. Now it was time to tuck my past memories away for another 3 years, so I hoped.

There, two more chapters! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy and I don't have internet, so... :/ Well Anyway, Thanks for reading! Please comment! <(^-^<) Hugs!

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