Getting a Move On

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-Stephano's POV-

"Come find me when you're ready to listen to me for once!" Emara screamed and slammed the door. I stood there feeling hurt and confused. What had just happened? It started out as just a simple conversation. How did she end up so angry at me?

Gonzales, who was still walking slowly and clutching his stomach, and Pewdie, came up to me.

"What was that about?" Pewdie asked.

"I-I don't know..." I whispered.

"Well, don't just stand around, follow her!" Pewdie suggested.

"It's probably better if I just let her go..." I responded sadly.

"Yeah she'll probably rip you to shreds if you push her to fast, just let her cool down. I could always go to the other world if I have to." Loren suggested waking up again not realizing Mr. Chair was applying a highly painful ointment to her wounds.

"Um... Loren..."

"Yeah..." She looked down and saw he was still working on her wounds. "I was trying to ignore that, but, um... SON OF A BISCUIT! WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!?"

"Because it's infected and-," Mr. Chair explained.

"LIFE SUCKS!" Loren claimed

"Well, yeah, that works, and quite frankly explains a lot." Mr. Chair agreed buttoning her new shirt over her bandages for her.

"Agreed." Gonzales and I said together. Pewdie nodded.

I strolled around the room in circles trying to decide when I would finally take action.

"I'm going after her." I informed everyone speed walking toward the door.

"Wait!" Gonzales yelled trying to get my attention. "I'm going with you." As he said this he stood straighter so it seemed like he was not in any pain.

"Yeah! Now that you mention it I'm coming with you too!" Loren yelled jumping up from her bed.

"Loren!" surprisingly everyone yelled at the same time.

"I'm good, it hurts like hell but a little pain never hurt anybody." She claimed ironically, probably on purpose. Then she very deeply sucked in her breath while she picked up her sword next to the bed.

"Okay, I'm ready I'm assuming everyone's going right." Loren suggested.

"Yup." Gonzales quickly responded.

"If you're going I am too." Mr. Chair informed us not letting us decide differently helping Loren across the room.

"If everyone else is going I guess I will too." Pewdiepie said.

"I can't change any of your minds, can I?" I asked knowing the answer.

"I'm as hard headed as a pack of angry alpaca PMSing so, no not really." Loren responded creepily. Gonzales and Felix started to laugh hysterically while Mr. Chair struggled not to do the same.

"Okay I'm going to deny EVER hearing that and just take your word for it that you're mind can't be changed." I informed them walking out of the room barley noticing Pewds and Loren "Brofisting" from the messed up joke I wish I could unhear, while thinking it was pretty funny at the same time.

I looked back at them to notice they all looked like they were long lost friends or a crazy family. But either way they looked actually happy in Amnesia and that didn't happen very often... Mr. Chair couldn't hold it any longer he also started to laugh when Loren whispered something to him.

"So should I go back to sleep or are we going to get a move on?" Pewdiepie asked trying to get me moving.

"Alright, it is about time we moved some where safer anyways." I agreed.

"Yeah, we need some where that it's harder for the Amnesia monsters to get to..." Loren decided.

"That'll work." Mr. Chair pointed out the window to a looming tower. "The Monsters are terrible at going up stairs and it looks like there's more than one way in or out, staircase wise"

"It sounds like a good plan to me, besides the fact that one of us is missing." Gonzales pointed out casually.

"Well, let's go find her!" Loren yelled enthusiastically.

"We should leave her a note just in case she comes back here before we find her." Mr. Chair suggested.

"I'll write it!" Loren said wincing as she limped over to the desk in the corner of the room to start writing.

"You know, what we really need is to make a map of this place so we don't keep getting lost. This place is freaking huge!" Loren exclaimed.

"That's a good idea. Someone should bring a piece of paper with them so they can map the area." I said.

"I will do it," Gonzales offered getting a piece of paper. Loren handed him the utensil she was using. He nodded thanks to her.

"Wait everyone. There's a slight chance that someone came with me to Amnesia..." Loren stammered.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

"Well, one of our best friends Ella kind of stayed over, and I told her about Amnesia. I thought it would be safe, considering the monster battle before and I thought she would spawn with me." She spilled quickly.

"Spawned?" Mr. Chair repeated puzzled.

"Video game term." She explained just as fast.

"So you're telling me someone else came to Amnesia and we don't know where they are?!" I questioned worriedly.

"Um... a little bit..." She replied.

"Whatever... Everyone just keep your eyes open. Let's go!" I demanded moving out into the hallway. Loren and Mr. Chair came out second.

"We should go left. I think she went that way." Loren piped up. I decided left was a good a choice as ever so we headed that way. Pewdie got a torch off the wall and held it near Gonzales so he could see.

Our small party continued down the twists and turn following Loren's directions. Gonzales hardly lifted his face from the map. At first I had felt annoyed that they all had come because of how dangerous it was, but now, I felt happy they were there. Everyone was coming with me to help save one person. It showed how much everyone actually cared and that we may just be a crazy family at heart.

So yeah... This chapter is kinda random, but it still pertains to the story line... sortof... Maybe... Well here you go Chapter... 17? I don't know... (>^-^)> HUGZ!

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