Yet Another Tag Along?

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 -Emara's POV-

“Seems like its about time for the party to start. Would you like to walk over to the party with me?” I asked Pewdie.

“Sure. Why not?” Pewdie smiled.

“Great!” I offered out my arm, and Pewdie took it. We laughed.

“Let's get this party started!” Pewdie exclaimed.

“So, you going to dance with anyone?” I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

“I don't know. I wish I could dance with my girlfriend.” Pewdie replied.

“You have a girlfriend?” I questioned.

“Yeah, only she's back in the other world. I mean, I don't really want her here because it's so dangerous. I don't want her getting hurt, but I really miss her.” Pewdie explained looking a little sad.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered.

“It's okay. If any good has come from this, when I get out of here, I'm going to ask her to marry me.” Pewdie smiled big.

“Aww! That's adorable! You have to invite me to the wedding!” I exclaimed happily.

Pewdie laughed, “Okay.”

I smiled. We continued to talk about random stuff until we were interrupted by Piggeh exclaiming that he had arrived. I looked over at Piggeh, and I saw her. My jaw dropped. I glanced over at Loren and Ella and they too were surprised.

“Alright, everyone's here! Let's get this party started!” Pewdie exclaimed before running over and turning the music on from the boom box I had brought in from my world. As soon as he said this I ran over to Piggeh and Kera.

“Kera!?” I demanded.

“Hey Emara.” She smiled.

“What the hay are you doing here?” I demanded.

“I'm surprised to see you guys here and okay!” She exclaimed, “Back home, after you got in that crash, you guys went into commas! All three of you. I went over to you're house to try and comfort your family, and ended up staying the night. Then I ended up here! Now I come here every night, even if I'm at my own home.” She explained.

“Really? That's interesting. That means that once you sleep in that room once, the dimensions are open to you no matter what... This is very interesting...” I mumbled thinking.

“What is she going on about?” Kera asked.

“No idea. She was talking to Mr. Chair earlier.” Loren replied laughing.

“No! I just-” I sighed, “I'll explain it later.”

“Yeah! I want to party!” Ella exclaimed.

Kera laughed, “Come on Piggeh! Let's go creep on some people.”

“It would be my pleasure.” He smiled, and they both stocked off in Pewdie's direction. I laughed, but I also felt kind of bad for Pewdie. Should I try and intervien? 

I watch as Pewdie ran for his life across the dance floor only to get trapped in a corner. Nope. I am not getting involved in that! So I decided to pretend like I didn't see anything and when over to talk to Mr. Chair, still feeling slightly guilty.

Poor Pewds! He's the only one without someone to protect him! And just think, now there is two of them!

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