Something's Not Quite Right

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-Loren's POV-

When we arrived back at the party room, Emara went off into the bedroom. She looked kind of sad, but I wasn't sure why so I decided to follow her.

“Emara? Are you okay?” I wondered.

“Yeah... I guess... I don't know. I just got hit by a wall of very strong emotions when we where leaving Barrel's room. I think there might be something going on with him that we don't realize or don't understand or something. And I don't mean just strong I mean really strong. Even now that we are so far away from his room, I can still feel it.” She explained to me.

“What kind of emotions?” I questioned.

“I'm not sure. It was a mix between a lot of different emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, frustration, and the strangest part is that with all of this negative... I also felt love.” She told me looking away confused.


“Yeah. I'm not sure where that came from. I'm not sure where any of these emotions are coming from.” She replied.

“If these are coming from Barrel, where or who is the love directed towards?”

"I've no idea." Ella replied honestly, "I guess maybe Ella, but I don't think he feels that strongly towards her. Not yet at least. It was weird though... It felt like it was coming from something else... Like all these emotions came from one person, and a few came from another... I can't explain it, but I think there's more to this than any of us truly realize."

"I don't know about that, but I guess it's possible." I replied.

Emara sighed.

“Well, we only have an hour and a half to finish getting everything set up. Let's get started.” I offered trying to get her mind off of this.

“Right.” She nodded. We returned to the party room and finished decorating and placing the food so it looked nice and everything. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. When we were finally done arranging the food and putting all the decorations up, Stephano came in he looked visibly shaken.

“Stephano!? What's wrong?” Emara demanded.

“Whatever happens tonight... I beg you to keep Piggeh away from me.” Stephano shivered and started rubbing his ear as if he was trying to rub it off.

“What happened!?” I wondered.

“I... He... Oh... I don't wanna talk about it...” Stephano whispered.

Emara covered her mouth to try to stop her smile from showing, she went up to Stephano and gave him a hug. He hugged her back tightly. I giggled.

“Everything is done so as soon as everyone arrives we will start the party.” I told them. Stephano only nodded. I chuckled again and went off to wake Ella.

“Ella!” I yelled in her ear when I got into the room.

“AAH!” She screamed jumping up from her bed, “What was that for!?”

“Come on! You've been sleeping forever, and we are having a party. You don't wanna miss out on our party do you!?” I questioned.

“We are having the party now!? Why didn't you tell me or wake me earlier!? I would have helped set up.”

“Eh, it's okay. We wanted to let you sleep.” I explained.

“Oh, okay. Well... PARTY!!! LET'S GO!” She yelled happily. Jumping up and grabbing my hand, practically dragging me out of the room.

“Slow down! Don't yank my arm off!” I exclaimed.

“No!” She laughed. I smiled. This was going to be awesome.

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