We Need a Plan

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 -Stephano's POV-

I stood crouched ready to enter the hole that Piggeh had discovered.

“Are you sure they went down there?” I asked.

“Well, not exactly. I've checked all along this area and they were not there. This is really the only place they could have gone, but no. I'm not positive.” Piggeh replied.

“Alright, I guess we have no choice but to go down there. Gonzales and Piggeh stay with me. I want Pewdie and Loren to go back to the room and see if per chance she gets away and is able to make her way back there. Jennifer, you take Mr. Chair and keep looking around this area, because they might not be down here, and Ella and Kera, you stay here and see if anyone comes out.” I commanded. As people went off to accomplish their task, I looked back at the hole. The room was a mess with stuff thrown everywhere and that weird red stuff was all over the walls.

The hole itself looked like it had been violently ripped open, for the floor boards were all broken and splintered. I pulled my sword out and jumped in. It wasn't very deep, but it curved down and down, making it seem like it was very deep. It was to dark to see where the tunnel led.

“Grab a torch, its too dark down here.” I said. Not long after, Gonzales jumped in carrying a lantern, followed by Piggeh. I let Gonzales lead the way as we made our way deeper into the hole. I could hear voices up ahead.

“Turn the lamp off.” I whispered. Gonzales did, and we were plunged into darkness. I put my hand on the wall so that I could feel my way along. The voices grew louder.

“Let's get out of here.” It was Emara.

“Okay, I'll lead the way.” Someone else spoke.

“Is that Barrel?” I asked Gonzales.


“Shh, they are coming this way.” Piggeh exclaimed.

We all fell silent not really sure what to do. I felt like we should hide, but there was no where to go. Emara and Barrel rounded the bend and the tunnel was illuminated by their torch.

Emara gasped, “Stephano!” She exclaimed happily as she ran to me. She hugged me tight and shoved her head into my chest.

“What happened?” I demanded.

“I don't really know. I woke up last night and couldn't go back to sleep, so I went for a walk. I got surrounded by the monsters and I guess I blacked out, because I woke up down here.” She explained, “I didn't know where I was or where to go, but then Barrel showed up and he said he would get me out.”

Alarm bells immediately went off in my head. Piggeh, Ella and Kera had told me a very different story. The wounds that covered her body didn't seem to have come from a monster but more a knife, which fit with Piggeh's story and not hers. I looked up at Barrel. I blinked in shock because he seemed to be scared, but not of me. Of Emara. He was looking at her with fear and hatred in his eyes. I didn't understand. He never seemed to act like this before. He always seemed to like the girls. 

Then it clicked. Something was wrong. Something wasn't right here. Emara might not actually be Emara. I looked to Piggeh who was about to say something. No doubt about her story being completely false. I caught his eye and shook my head slightly. He gave me a confused looked, but shut his mouth.

“How did you know where she was?” Piggeh asked instead.

“I was exploring and when I came up upon the room with the hole, I heard someone calling out for help. I came down and found her... I wasn't sure what to do so I was going to help her get back to you guys.” Barrel explained looking at me with what seemed like pleading in his eyes.

AwakeningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon