He knows now...

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-Mr. Chair's POV-

I walked up to the door intending to check on the girls when I heard crying on the other side. I stopped, contemplating on whether I should open the door or not, when I heard Loren speak.

"If I could have just tried harder... If I went with my gut and told her to wait before coming home... if I had done something at all..." I heard Loren cry.

Emara started talking about how someone who died loved Loren a lot. Loren explained that her sister was stabbed and she tried to save her sister and failed.

"She didn't deserve it though. Why would someone do that?!" she yelled in frustration.

"No one deserves something like that Loren. You did the best you could." Emara said attempting to make her feel better.

My heart ached for Loren. She obviously cared a lot for her sister. I wanted to go out there and comfort her, but I didn't think she would take too kindly to finding out I was listening in.

I sat down at Gonzales's bed and checked his bandages again even though I knew they didn't need changed yet.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Chair?" Pewdiepie asked from the closest bed to the door. I didn't know whether I should tell Pewdie about Loren or not.

"It's about the girl, isn't it?" Pewdie smirked.

"It's the other girl, not the one who gave you the aspirin, Loren. She was crying about her sister..." I explained looking at the door.

"What about her?" he wondered.

"She... died... She doesn't know that I know, so don't tell her, please..." I replied frowning.

"Okay, so your falling for the girl who actually killed one of those... things, and Stephano is falling for the girl who gave me the aspirin... huh..." Pewdie nodded.

Stephano didn't say anything he just nodded. I, on the other hand, asked, "What was the 'huh' for, Pewdie!?"

"Someone's been busy!" Pewdie cracked up.

"It's not like that!" Stephano and I yelled at the same time.

"Yeah, sure!" Pewdie started laughing all over again.

The door opened and Loren came in half dragging Emara in with her.

"It's happening again. She passed out in the hall. I guess she woke up in our world, which means I'm probably going to fall asleep soon as well." Loren informed us, with no evidence of the crying in the hallway. She laid Emara down on one of the beds and flopped down on another.

"Goodnight," She said already getting sleepy.

I got up and moved over to Loren.

"Goodnight," I smiled. She smiled back at me sleepily. She closed her eyes.

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