Emara's Pain

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 -Ella's POV-

If there was nothing else that I could say about Piggeh, he could be serious when he wanted to be. Like now for instance. Piggeh took point allowing Kera and me to follow behind. The tension was high, at least for me. Seeing Piggeh this way for the first time under the circumstances only heightened the tension. My chest was tight with fear and the suspense, and not the good suspense you get from reading a good book.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

“Where are we going?” Kera asked.

“There was this strange area I came across the other day. I figure, it's one of the areas that I don't know all that well, might as well start there.” Piggeh answered.

“So I guess you know the castle pretty well then, huh?” I questioned, trying to distract myself.

“If one wants to obtain unobtainable information, one has to know his surroundings and use them to his advantage.” Piggeh winked at me.

I chuckled.

“Wait!” Piggeh whispered.

“What?” Kera asked.

“I hear voices, shh.” Piggeh explained. We all fell silent and listened intently. He was right! I could hear voices too! I just couldn't make out what they were saying.

“Follow my lead carefully.” Piggeh whispered as he reached up and pulled on a candle stick attached to the wall. When he pulled it a section of the wall opened up, like in the movies. We slipped inside and made our way quietly through the walls. The door closed behind us. I felt like I was in some kind of cliche movie. I wished thats what it was and not reality.

We came up on a window and Piggeh explained that there was a one way window on the wall outside, making a perfect window for us, but they couldn't see in. But the scene we saw wasn't pretty.

Emara was on the ground and she looked beaten and bruised. Her forehead and arms were covered in blood, and her clothes had been torn in several places. There was a tall man that was completely black, and kind of looked a bit transparent like dark smoke. It was very unnerving. Then there was Barrel. He looked so sad and scared. There were four monsters circling the group.

“I will never give in! You are a horrible disgusting person and I hope you rot in Hell!” Emara exclaimed.

“Yes, you will! I WILL BREAK YOU!!” The dark man growled. He then used a part of his own body and created a deadly looking dagger. He was made of smoke!

“Screw you-AAAAAAH!” Emara screamed as the dark man grabbed her arm and sliced into it with the knife. I gasped but my mouth was quickly covered up by Piggeh's hand. I struggled against his grasp, but Piggeh wouldn't let go.

“You have to stop. Maybe we can find where they are going to take her and help her, but those monsters would just tear us up if we went out there now. We can't let them know we are here.” Piggeh whispered in my ear so quietly, I had to strain to hear him. I knew he was right, so I stopped struggling, but it was so difficult to just sit here when Emara was in pain.

“Pick her up.” The man commanded Barrel as Emara cradled her injured arm.

“No, please... She won't tell! I know her, she won't! We don't have to do this, please!”

“Barrel...” The man cooed softly, “Do as I ask.”

“No, please!”


“I don't want to hurt her!”

“Barrel...” The man whispered, “I don't want to hurt you either, but I will if I need to! I need you to work with me. I've helped you so much... I helped you when no one else would. I have always been here for you... Please just help me...” He came close to Barrel and wrapped his arms around his waist. My cheeks burned with anger.

“Creator...” Barrel whispered sadly, but almost... affectionately.


“Please let her go.” Barrel whispered.


There were visible tears in Barrel's eyes now. I bit my lip. Who the hell was this guy!? He loved Barrel...? Did Barrel already have a relationship with this person? Why didn't he tell me? Why did he kiss me if he already had someone? Barrel opened his mouth to say something, but Emara stopped him.

“It's okay, Barrel. Just listen to him. It's okay. I can take it.” When Emara said the last she looked straight into the mirror, and I knew she knew we where there.


“He can do whatever he wants to me, but I know that my friends are coming. I know they will save me. So spare your self the pain. I can handle it.” Emara told him.

The Creator turned to her slowly, “You can handle it?” He growled. He stopped over and took a huge chunk of her short hair in his hands. She gritted her teeth, but didn't make a sound. I knew that hurt. I knew because every time I tried to mess with her hair she would always complain I was hurting her. She was very tender headed. I grabbed Kera's hand and gripped it tight, having already dug my teeth into my lip. Kera gripped back just as tight and I knew she was feeling the same as me.

The Creator looked at Barrel, “I told you to pick her up, and you refused. You could have made this easy on her, but you wouldn't. This is on you.” He exclaimed dragging Emara along with him as he walked down the hall. She couldn't help it now. She screamed and I turned and shoved my face against Kera's arm, not able to look any longer. I didn't look up until I heard all of them walk away.

“Come on we have to inform the others.” Piggeh whispered after a moment.  

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