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 -Emara's POV-

I sat down on one of the chairs. There was a loud crinkling sound of a plastic bag as I sat down. A plastic bag? In Amensia!? I looked down and saw the bags that I had got for the party that I wanted to have before the wreck.

“YES!” I exclaimed happily.

“What!?” Stephano demanded.

“Look! Everything is still in tact! Even the eggs!” I exclaimed.

“Eggs?” Loren exclaimed.

“For the party! We can still have the party!” I explained happily.

“Oh yeah!” Loren smiled.

“A party!?” Stephano demanded, “I don't think that would be a good idea...”

“Oh, come on Stephano!” Mr. Chair laughed putting an arm around Stephano's shoulders, “Lighten up! I think a party would be a great idea. Help raise the mood a little.”

“Yes, exactly.” I smiled.

“But what about the monsters!? If we have a party then we could attract them with all the noise!” Stephano tried to explain to us.

“We'll be fine!” Mr. Chair said coming over to me, “How can I help? I'm a great cook!”

“How would you know!?” i laughed, thinking that Mr. Chair never cooked before. 

“Because, Pewdie taught me.” He explained.

“What!?” Pewdie exclaimed.

“We are going to have a party! Do you want to help us set up?” I asked.

“A party! Oh yeah! Ain't no part like a PEWDIEPIE PARTY!” He yelled.

I laughed, “All right! You take Loren and go start to decorate the room across the hall. It's a fairly huge room, but there are a lot of tables in the way. Push those to the side or up against the doors for more protection. Mr. Chair and I will go and start cooking, and Stephano you can stay here and watch over Ella and Gonzales, if you want you can help us with the party.” I commanded giving every one who was awake a job to do.

“Okay!” Loren exclaimed going over to Pewdie and grabbing his hand and pulling out of the room.

“Just take it easy Loren!” Mr. Chair called after her.

“Alright, Emara.... I hope you know what your doing.” Stephano sighed.

I put my hand on Stephano's cheek, “It will be okay, I promise.” I said before getting up on my toes and kissing Stephano.

“Let's go! There is a kitchen just across the way.” I said to Mr. Chair.

As soon as we entered the lab like kitchen looking room, I immediately started taking supplies out of the bag. As soon as all the food was out I asked Mr. Chair to take the decorations to the others. It seemed like as soon as Mr. Chair left, Stephano came in.

“Hey, are you going to stop being a party pooper?” I asked.

Stephano sighed, “I still don't think its the best idea, but I want you guys to be happy. So I came to help.”

“Alright, well... um... you could start by pouring the cupcake batter into that bowl.” I directed pointing.

“I'm on it.” Stephano smiled going over to do as I told him.

“Emara?” He said after a moment.


“You know I just want to keep you guys safe, right?” He wondered.

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