Your Power

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-Emara's POV-

I paced around my padded cell thinking. It was strange, to be here inside my own mind, thinking. I wondered if The Creator could hear when I was thinking. I glanced up at the TVs to see what was going on.

I could see that I was back in the party room, and everyone else was there too, except for Barrel and Stephano. I wondered where they were, but I didn't dwell on it much. This was my chance. If I could just manage to take over for a moment, I could tell the others not to trust me.

"Okay, Emara... Show him what you got."

I ran over to the wall and pressed my body against it. I figured, if I was able to get my foot through it once, I could do it again. It wasn't easy though. It was like trying to wade through a pool of maple syrup, but I kept pressing.

"Oh no you don't!" The Creator growled and grabbed a hold of my arm pulling me back.

"Let go of me!" I screamed and shoved my elbow into his face.

The Creator stumbled back but did not release his grip on me yanking me back into the room. A bed appeared inside the room, and The Creator shoved me down on in. I didn't understand what was going on until I felt the straps lace around my wrists and ankles. I was stuck there.

"I tried to play nice and let you roam free inside your cell, but you've left me no choice. You will stay there until I am ready to release you." The Creator growled and disappeared. I struggled against the straps that bound me, but it was useless.

"Would you just tell me why you are doing this!? I have the right to know considering you have me on lock down INSIDE MY OWN MIND!!!" I exclaimed catching his attention before he disappeared again.

"Fine. I'll tell you." The Creator growled turning back to face me, "I use to be like you. I lived in your world, had a job, a life. I use to be the lead scientist for Frictional Games. The company created this game, Amnesia, but game design was not the only thing that our company worked on. We were also working on a way to make the games more realistic, like putting you inside the game itself.

"It was about five years ago when we finally managed to create the perfect device to send you into the game, but when we tested it, one of my co-workers was injured and the board shut us down, saying that it was unfit for the public. I was furious. I had not spent most of my life working on this project just for it to get shut down, so I continued to work on it in secret. I was not going to give up on it. If they didn't think it was fit for the public, then I would just have to show them that it was safe.

"I configured the machine so that it would suck them in and force them to experience this magnificent creation, but my calculations were off. The portal opened prematurely and sucked me in instead. My physical body could not maintain its form as I was turned into this. I was sucked into the game that it was programed to. Amnesia.

"When I was dumped into this world, I had no physical form to accompany me, so I was forced into Barrel so that I could maintain life. I never wanted any of this to happen. All I wanted was to give people a great new way to experience gaming. All I want now is to go home. I've been working on building a portal back to our dimension. I was able to create one, but instead it just managed to suck you four in. At first I was confused. None of you had ever had any connection to the machine, so why would it drag you in?" The Creator asked.

"I don't know."

"Because, when I was stripped of my body it didn't just disappear, it split into pieces and stayed in our world. Those pieces were a bit like me. They had to insert themselves into something living so they would survive as well, but it couldn't just be anyone. No, it had to be the ones who already had potential. That's where you four come in."

I tensed up. I knew where this was going.

"The four key parts of the human body. The mind, the heart, the mouth, and of course the body itself. Kera. She has always been good with getting her way, has she not? The mouth with the power of persuasion. Loren. She is always willing to help and take peoples pain away. She's the body, with the power to heal. Ella. She's always been perceptive, the mind with the power to see the future."

"So that makes me the heart." I replied.

"So smart. Perhaps you should have been the mind." The Creator smiled wickedly.

"If you think that, you really are a moron. Ella is so smart and amazing. She's so caring and willing to help as well, also she has always had a knack for getting her way. You know, all of my friends are the way you described, and you want to know why? Because they are beautiful people inside and out. They are nice and loving and caring. They are not just those qualities. They have all of them. Maybe you are just desperate to belive your crazy story!" I screamed.

"You are right, but you do not understand. You with your willingness to love. You care so much for the others that you meet, this is why you have always been able to read emotions, it's because you've always cared so much that it became part of your very soul. That's what drew me to you. You soul shown so bright and the rest of me stayed close to you. The ones you care for most that had this potential. It is also because of the qualities that you all share that made me become part of you. What made you come to Amnesia in the first place." The Creator explained.

I shivered at the thought of some part of him inside of me, "If we've had this inside of us for the past four years how come we haven't noticed before. How come we haven't developed these so called powers before?"

"The pieces were there but they had not been put together. It needed the power to ignite. Something so traumatizing that the sheer power of your beings brought it out." The Creator explained.

"The crash..." I whispered finally understanding of course. With everyone we cared about being worried about us and the fact that us too were traumatized by the event, it made sense.

"What about Kera? She wasn't with us when we crashed." I demanded.

"She was worried too, do you think she wasn't? Her powers came out in the time when she went to visit you three in the hospital. She was so taken over with emotion because at the sight of her only three friends on the verge of death. She has already used her power. She convinced the doctors to let her stay despite the fact that she was not family and visiting hours were over." The Creator finished.

"How do you know all of this?" I demanded.

"Well some of it I learned from exploring your mind and other because, do you really think there is something I don't know when it comes to Amnesia?" The Creator smirked knowingly. I shivered again.

"Wow, look at the time, I've got to run and set up the preparations for the big finale." The Creator laughed and disappeared.

I screamed in frustration, "If you touch even a hair on their heads, I'll kill you myself! Do you hear me!? I'll stop you! JUST YOU WAIT!!!"

It was then that I realised I had heard this before, at least part of it. I was under so much stress over the course of these past few hours, I had forgot all about what winded me up in this situation in the first place. The Creator had talked about this in his journal! This wasn't just something he's come up with just now, he's known about this for awhile and he has been planning for this. This might be a much larger operation than what I had previously bargained for.

Hey! So there, that's what happened. Sorry again that it wasn't last chapter like I said, but here it is! Crazy, huh?

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