The Arrival of Another

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-Ella's POV-

"I'm here!" I screamed then I realized no on was in the room, "Aww... Crap."

I ran upstairs to Emara's room to find Loren on the floor moaning and Emara sound asleep.

"Soooo, what cha doin?" I asked trying to get her attention and annoy her at the same time.

"Wishing the agonizing pain would eeennnndddd." Loren moaned dramatically.

"What pain?"

"Ummmm... long story."

"Okay," I said slowly and suspicious, "So... why is she still asleep?" I said pointing at Emara who was sleeping with her backpack on.

"She had a major head ache and was really tired so she took some of her medicine and went back to sleep." She explained.

"Okay, but why does she have her backpack on?" I asked.

"Umm..." Loren mumbled looking down at Emara, "I have no idea..."

"Let me guess you're not going to let me wake her up are you?"

"Nope, not in till we eat dinner." Loren told me.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because then we get all the best stuff before she does." Loren smiled wickely.We both burst out laughing when I noticed she started to cough half way through.

"Are you okay? I mean really okay?" I demanded.

"Yep I'm fine, perfectly fine." She claimed jumping up from where she was sitting.

"Alright... if you're sure..." I eyed her suspiciously.

Loren plastered on a smile but as I turned around I saw her grimace in pain. I knew she wasn't alright but if I questioned her more she would just deny it again. I walked back out into the kitchen as the rest of the Loren's family came in.

"Ohh tater-tots." Loren said when she saw what was about to be made, completely forgetting the moment we just had.

"Where's Emara?" Jake, Loren's and Emara's brother, asked.

"She's taking a power nap." Loren explained jokingly.

"You guys have been sleeping for days now. I think she has plenty of sleep." He said punching Loren's stomach playfully.

"Yup." Loren punched him none too gently in the arm.

"Ow... holy crap! What was that for!?" He yelled.

"I'll be back." Loren said mocking the Terminator and slipped into the bathroom. Jake turned away still rubbing his arm.Something isn't quite right... Loren's been acting really strange...

"Jake, go wake up Emara. She needs to eat something." Emara's and Loren's adopted mom ordered him.

He nodded and ran off down the hall.Loren came back a few minutes later as a sleepy Emara walked in rubbing her eyes.

"Jeez, Em, you've been sleeping a lot lately. I hope it stays that way." Emara's dad comented.

Emara yawned and nodded, "Me too."

We had hot dogs and tater-tots for dinner and everyone ate quietly for the most part. I noticed Loren and Emara kept giving eachother nervous looks. They were acting all jittery like they couldn't wait to get out of here. After we had all finished Emara and Loren jumped up quickly.

"May we be excused?" they asked in unison.

"Looks like you two are in synch today. Alright, just put your dishes in the dishwasher." They nodded and did as they were told before bounding up the stairs.

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