Loren and Mr. Chair

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  • Gewidmet Lorien Gordon

-Loren’s POV-

I felt like I was falling through the sky at 100 mph. I was so over whelmed that I couldn’t breathe. I was kind of scared but I was also... grateful. Greatful that something was actually happening in my life. I couldn’t stand being the same as everyone else anymore; I needed Amnesia, no matter how dangerous it was. All my life I’ve had one terrible thing after another. The only thing that kept me sane was Emara and her family, but now I had something. I had something I had always dreamed of and I shared it with my best friend. I smiled to myself.

I suddenly awoke in a comfortable dark green and wooden chair, quickly rising to my feet wondering where the others were. I instantly got light headed from getting up to fast I put my hand quickly to my head. Damn it! I never learn. I always do that, dummy.

I realized someone put their hands on my shoulders and gently turned me around into a hug.

“Oh,” I sqeaked surprised.

“I thought…” Mr. Chair whispered slowly, clearly upset.

I squeezed him into a closer hug. “I didn’t know it was you I was sleeping on,” I smirked noticing the chair I was sitting on, wasn’t there anymore. I could feel his face grow warm next to me. He squeezed me back tightly but then pulled away again just enough to where we were still embraced but to where we could see each other’s faces.

“We thought something was wrong with you both….we tried to wake you up but no matter how hard we tried…” he looked down at his feet as if it was his fault that we didn’t wake up.

“Hey, it wasn’t your fault.” I assured him trying to cheer him up. “We woke up in the real world and I went back to sleep to see if I could come back to Amnesia. But Emara probably won’t wake up in a while because of her Insomnia,” I explained.

“Emara had Insomnia?!” Stephano called from across the room.

“Yeah, sometimes she has to take medicine to get to sleep.” I answered.

I looked over at Stephano. He looked pretty shaken up. I felt bad for him. But I wasn’t able to think about him for long because Mr. Chair pulled my attention back to our conversation.

“Wait, you both tried to come back on purpose!? Why!?” Mr. Chair exclaimed.

I could feel my face grow warm “,Well, um… we left at a bad moment…”

“Oh,” Mr. Chair replied looking back at the ground.

“And… I wanted so see you again…” I added.

“Uh, well, I…um…” Mr. Chair’s face was so red I was afraid he might explode, “Your clothes changed!” Mr. Chair suddenly realized.

“Yeah, I changed clothes when I was back in the real world. I guess that it kind of didn’t register ‘till now.” I shrugged, “Speaking of that, are Pewdiepie and Gonzales still asleep?” I asked noticing he was trying to change the subject.

“They’re over there,” He replied pointing.

I looked where he was pointing. I realized we had moved into a different room. I guess they found an infirmary because it sure looked like one. It was a long room and there were six beds in all. Three of the beds were filled with sleeping bodies and a golden figure sat next to one. I guessed that one was Emara’s bed. I’d seen the way he looked at her, and she back at him, if you catch my drift.

“Is Gonzales going to be okay?” I asked.

“He’s pulled through the worst of it and I think that he might be okay. He’s going to carry a scar with him for the rest of his life though,” Mr. Chair informed me.

“That’s good.” I answered, then i realized how that sounded,“I mean it's good that he's going to be okay. Wait… there were three beds open. Why didn’t you just put me in a bed?”

“Uh…” For the second time Mr. Chair’s face reddened, “W-we should check on Gonzales…” Mr. Chair changed the subject, again.

I smiled to myself and nodded. We walked over to Gonzales’s bed.

“He needs new bandages.” I noted when we lifted the blanket, some of the bandages were stained a dark crimson.

“Yeah,” Mr. Chair agreed nodding. We got to work cleaning his wounds.

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