Not so Easy is it?

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 -The Creator's POV-

“Barrel.” I spoke in Emara's voice.

“How could you...?” Barrel growled. His whole frame was shaking with anger and he refused to look at me.

“What, would you want Stephano to unleash his wrath on you? On your body? He won't hurt me now. Also, if I don't let them know I'm inside her, this could significantly help with the plan, though she's not great in the physical department.” I spoke looking down at my arms. 

“Let her go."  Barrel whispered and looked up at me with fire in his eyes. 

“Come on now Barrel-”

“No, you are my burden to deal with. She's got nothing to do with this. I will take Stephano's abuse, but you let her go.”

“Ah!” I grunted as Emara fought against the restraints I put her in. I grunted as I tried to keep her under control.

“Not so easy is it?” Barrel laughed, “I wouldn't doubt that her mind is even stronger then mine.”

“Nonsense. Now, stop whining and help me up.” I commanded him.

“No! You can't control me now.” Barrel's voice trembled.

“Oh, really?” I lifted my hand toward him and allowed Emara's power to run through me. I let all the horrible emotions I could think of flood into him. Despair, dread, guilt, and anything else that came to mind.

Barrel gripped his stomach and feel to the ground. Tears poured from his eyes, and a feeling passed over myself that I hadn't felt in many years. Pity.

You think this is all fun and games? You think being able to control people's emotions is just something you can just mess around with something like rhat!? Emotions are a force that is more powerful then anyone ever realizes. Stop this. Now.

Suddenly, I dropped my hand and stopped controlling Barrel's emotions. Despite how I tried, Emara had blocked me from using her power for now. I would fix that later when I got more use to her mind.

Barrel was breathing heavily, but got up and helped me up. I kind of regretted taking out my anger out on her body so much, but it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with.

“I'm sorry...” Barrel whispered hugging me. I sighed happily and wrapped my arms around him.

“It's all right Barrel. I forgive you.” I assured him.

Barrel will always love Ella more than you.

“SHUT UP!” I growled.

“What!?” Barrel exclaimed scared. I realized I had sensed his emotions. It was a strange feeling. I wondered how Emara dealt with this all the time.

“Not you, my sweet. Emara is being bothersome.” I shushed him, “Now let's get going.”

Barrel nodded.

I smiled, finally. Barrel does love me. He just doesn't realize it yet.  I will make him love me. 

If you say so. 

AwakeningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz