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-Loren’s POV-

“Oh,” Mr. Chair mumbled worriedly, “That’s not good if you’re stuck here… Let’s just say this place isn’t safe.”

I looked up at the infamous Mr. Chair. I had dreamed about things like this but of course I knew it could only be a dream. Now I was talking to Mr. Chair, and I was inside of Amnesia! I wished Emara could remember so that I could share my excitement with her. I knew that I was in real danger but I couldn’t help getting a little bit excited. This was a terrifying yet exhilarated experience. Something in my life, finally, wasn’t in the norm. It was about time.

“You are Loren, right?” Stephano asked coming up.

“Yep, the one and only,” I replied.

 “Hmmmm…” Mr. Chair hummed thinking.

“What?” I asked nervously.

“Maybe… you could fall asleep here, and you would wake up back in your world.” Mr. Chair theorized thoughtfully.

Before anyone could say anything there was a loud bang on the door. Emara yelped and backed away from the door, into Stephano. Stephano moved around her and in front of everyone pulling his sword about of his sheath and holding it defensively.

I watched as the door was beaten off its hinges, and, oddly enough, I wasn’t scared. I was more excited than anything.

The door was beaten beyond repair and finally, it fell apart. Debris flew everywhere.

“OW!” Emara screeched when a piece of wood hit her.

“Emara, are you okay?” Stephano and I yelled. Stephano turned around concerned. That was a mistake. The monster sprinted across the room and smacked Stephano upside the head, knocking him out cold.

“Stephano!” Emara screamed.

“CAIRMODE ACTIVATE!! BOOP!!” Mr. Chair exclaimed turning into a chair in front of everyone else as a quick distraction for the violent creature heading our way.

“Whoa!” Emara exclaimed but I already knew that he could do that. The monster stepped over Stephano and looked toward Emara.

Everything slowed down. I let my instincts take over. I knew that if I didn’t do something, Emara was going to die, and I was not going to lose my best friend not now or ever. I reached down and picked up Stephano’s sword and swung feeling as if nothing could stop me.

The next thing I knew I was covered in blood and the monster lay dead on the floor.

“L-loren!” Emara stuttered.

I stood there panting. “Are… you… okay?” I asked between pants.

Emara just nodded, unable to speak.

Mr. Chair came out of Chairmode and stepped over to Stephano’s side.

“Wake up,” He said gently shaking stephano.

“Ugh, Jesus Chair…” Stephano murmured in a thick French accent.

“Are you okay?” Mr. Chair whispered.

“What happened?” Stephano asked sitting up.

Everyone slowly turned toward me.

“What, surprised a girl can be BA with a sword? Oh, and Steph,” I smiled evilly looking at him.

                “Uhh… yeah?” he mumbled still shocked and confused from the blow and our current situation.

                “I’ll keep this. Consider it a friendly favor for saving your faces,” I pointed out trying to convince him to be okay with it by looming over him.

                “Uh- Wai- Did you just call me Steph!?” Stephano managed.

                “Yes, yes I did,” I smiled turning back around.

                “You’re not going to give me back my sword are you…?” Stephano asked glumly getting up.


Stephano sighed, “Fine…” he surrendered searching the room, looking for another weapon.

“Now I’m going to change out of my P.J’s so everyone turn away.” I said grabbing one of the shirts from the dresser. I glanced back and saw Mr. Chair’s face blush. He quickly turned around. I smiled to myself.

“We’ll give you some privacy. We will be right outside.” Stephano offered pushing Mr. Chair out of the room. Emara quickly followed.

When I was done changing I grabbed my newly acquired weapon and walked outside.

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