Chapter 21- Noona's attack

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' Ellena!! O.o' She exclaimed but quickly turned to normal state when thing went smoothly, not what she had expected couple days ago.

She was just surprised of how these two could be back together perfectly like now because the previous call, Leo's tone was pretty bad.

' Shh' Leo gave her a quiet sign when Dami wanna discuss something.

' Let's talk after this' He whispered and quickly carried Ellena to the main room.


After the door was shut, Dami rushed to Leo and pulled him to the living room.


' Ouch!!'

Leo rubbed his arm in pain, suddenly got hit by his big sister.

' You brat!! Why don't you  tell me anything hah!! I feel like I'm a clown at the moment!!' Dami glowered and pulled Leo's ear in the next minute.

' How come you keep thing this far??!!'

If she could blow out a fire, he would be the honored one to be burned!!

' Ouchhx3 Noona! Move your hand! Don't become 2nd Elli yet..'

' Ashh!! You're kickable!!' Dami sighed and let go of Leo.

' So you two have found the best date yet??'


' For your wedding ceremony!!'

-Shake head-

' Not yet?? How about the place??'

-Shake head-

' Then the church or our house? Eh, since you two are Buddhist and Ellena is an orphan, our house is the best choice!!'

-Shake head-

' What?? Ellena is Christian??'

-Shake head-

Leo sighed and looked at his Noona scarily who kept talking about marriage's plan as if she was marrying herself!!

And acted like it was a kid game that anyone could be a player.

He wanted to say a word but Noona just cut off his line.

' If not then follow the previous plan! And how about the honeymoon's place?? You should go abroad lah~ I'd recommend Japan~'

-Shake head-

' Why not?? O.o Or you want to visit Europe??'

Finally, he had chance to have a speech!! -.-

' No, I haven't thought of these things lately, just thinking of Hana as the first plan'

' Who's Hana?'

' Hehe nothing'

Leo smiled and shook his head.

Let Hana surprised Noona by herself~

' Whatever, Have you two signed on the marriage certificate ??'

-Shake head-

' Ehhh.. Why not?? This is an essential part! Oh my! I should call mother and father now! They'll be happy like heaven!'

Dami asked herself and answered by herself, not even let Leo to comment or disturb.

Yet, this time Leo instantly refrained Dami's hand for thing would have more mistakes.

' Noona, waitt!! I haven't told you something yet'

' Huhhh??' Dami frowned when Leo messed his hair and sighed.

' Err..'

' What's it??'  She quickly inquired over his hesitation.

' I..we.. I meant Elli and I haven't talked about marriage yet..'

' What!!!???'

As what he expected, Dami screamed but he didn't expect her to stand up like now.

' Didn't you say you'll clear it all and end up with marriage?? Yah, you trick me, Leo??'

' No no, it's not like that! We've met up some accidents these days and I think it's not really a big deal too! We can get married anytime,right?'


' Ouchhh Noona!!'
 Leo grabbed his head in pain when Dami suddenly knocked hard on it, he didn't even have time to escape.

' What made you say this thing hah?? Haven't I taught you to be a gentleman?? Just rewind what you did so far! Be responsible! Haru has already reached this age and you claim that it's okay whether to get married or not!! Ashhh, If I were Ellena, I would....'

Leo quickly jumped away and stood at the edge of the sofa.

' But noona, Doesn't it's a trend these days?'

' Jung LEO!!'

' Hehe I'm just kidding~ ^^'

' Ashh, I still wonder why Ellena ends up with you..'

Dami sighed and shook her head at Leo.

' Why she has to speak like Haru too?? -0-' Leo murmured and concentrated on the things Dami brought out.

' Brother, I don't know what you're thinking about at the moment but woman is a woman! Every woman is the same! She's always been dreaming of a fantastic wedding ceremony and live happily with her lover one in her head. She wishes to wear a beautiful wedding dress once in her lifetime! And it's the greatest thing of all woman's life!'

Dami paused and placed a catalog of wedding costume she bought earlier in front of Leo.

' Quickly make up your mind or she may leave again..'

This sentence made Leo shivered and fixated eyes on her.

' Lock her in your prison through this..'

' Noona, Elli won't do that again..'

' I know but future cannot be seen..'


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