Part Three - Chapter Twenty-Two: Struggling to Cope

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Fernando closed his eyes as he ducked his head under the spray of the warm shower water, it had been a couple of days since Cassidy had walked out on him and he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around what had happened.

Fernando hadn’t heard from his wife since she had walked out the front door without her wedding ring, which now lay around his neck on a chain; he had wanted to keep it close to him after what had happened.

Frank and John shared a concerned look as Fernando shook his head and turned off his shower, they both had heard about what had happened and couldn’t help but hope that Cassidy was coming back.

“I’ll talk to him,” Frank said knowing that this couldn’t be easy for him, everyone had noticed how confident the footballer had become in the last month however it had come at a cost; one that he was now having to pay in the most painful way.

John nodded his head as he prepared to leave the shower room, he knew that Fernando was suffering and the last couple of days had revealed the same Fernando that had first moved to Chelsea.

Fernando rubbed his hands over his face before he turned off the shower, knowing that he was going to see the twins; it was the one thing that he had to look forward to.

Fernando had been going to Cassandra’s apartment every afternoon to see his children, he ignored her anger in hopes that there was a chance he would learn where his wife was.

Fernando had checked through every hotel in the city to try and find out where Cassidy was staying and he had been packed to learn that she wasn’t in any of them; the brunette wasn’t staying at her parents’ house nor was she staying at her sister’s apartment with the twins.

“Nando?” Frank said making Fernando jump, he offered his friend a small smile knowing that he was going to need someone to talk to.


“How are you doing?” Frank asked sipping on his coffee, he watched Fernando knowing that Cassidy would have only done this if she felt that she had no other choice; her husband had been a little off lately.

Fernando shrugged as he messed with Cassidy’s ring, he just wanted her to come home and for things to be happy again; he couldn’t believe that it had taken her walking out for him to see how unhappy she had been lately.

“I’ve been better,” Fernando admitted knowing that there was little that he could do to change things right now; he had no idea where Cassidy was and no one seemed willing to help him find her.

Fernando looked down at his own drink, he didn’t understand how he had missed how she was feeling; he felt horrible now for going out with Ashley and a couple of the other lads, he had felt so focused that he had missed out on what was happening right in front of him.

“I want her home Frank,” Fernando whispered rubbing his chest, he had a strange ache where his heart was and it had been there since Cassidy had walked out; something it even felt like he couldn’t breathe when he realised that she still hadn’t come home.

Frank eyed his friend concerned, he could see that there was something wrong with Fernando and he wondered if it was linked to Cassidy’s disappearance.

“Nando you okay?” Frank asked concerned watching Fernando continue to rub his chest, he knew that his friend had never been without Cassidy not like this; it made him wonder just how attached Fernando had become to his wife.

Ever since Fernando had meet Cassidy, he had always been with her even with his divorce from Olalla there hadn’t been much of a break between the two and now it seemed to have its consequences.

“I need her back Frank… it’s too hard to be without her,” Fernando said looking at his friend as if he knew where Cassidy was and wasn’t telling him; no one knew where Cassidy had gone and it was starting to really worry Fernando.

Frank nodded her head knowing that he was going to have to call Cassidy and hope that he’d be able to convince her to come home; she had asked him to watch over her husband while she took some time away.

“I know Nando, but you are going to have to cope,” Frank said knowing that the two and a half years hadn’t been easy but this was the first time that the couple had been truly parted; no one had thought that Cassidy would do this and it was clear the brunette had thought there were no other options.

Fernando whimpered not liking that answer, he knew that he had so much to make up for and with the four match suspension that he was currently serving, he didn’t have anything to take his mind off of what was happening in his personal life.

“It’ll be okay Nando… Cass will be home before you know it,” Frank promised offering his friend a small smile, he was going to have to pull himself together; it would take time for Cassidy to calm down.


“Papa,” Leia and Noah greeted hurrying over to their father as Cassandra allowed him into her apartment; she pursed her lips as she glared at Fernando knowing that he deserved what was happening.

Fernando dropped to his knees and pulled the two of them into his arms, he knew what he wanted more than anything and he hoped that he would be allowed to bring them home soon; the house was too big and lonely without anyone to share it with.

“I’ve missed you both,” Fernando whispered clinging to them, they were the one connection to their mother that he truly had; he wished that there was something that he could do to fix this.

Fernando pulled back from the twins knowing that Cassidy wasn’t the only one that he had let down, he was determined to make it up to his children; he might not see Nora and Leo a lot but he knew that he would make this right.

“Have you been good for your auntie?” Fernando asked glancing at Cassandra, he knew she was angry with him for what had happened but he did want to make things right; he wanted his pregnant wife to come home to him safe.

Cassandra rolled her eyes not believing that he thought that things would be fixed so easily, he had really hurt her sister with his attitude and there was no way that she would tell him where her sister was.

“Por favor Andra,” Fernando said as the twins moved away to play, he carefully got to his feet and looked at his sister-in-law; she knew where his wife was and he needed to know.

Cassandra shook her head, she didn’t believe that he had changed at all since Cassidy had left; all she saw was a sad man that wanted what he didn’t have anymore.

“I won’t tell you Nando… the doctor says that she needs to relax, her blood pressure is too high,” Cassandra revealed making Fernando look alarmed at her words, he hadn’t been to the last couple of doctor’s appointments but he hadn’t known anything about Cassidy being unwell.

Fernando opened and closed his mouth, he knew high blood pressure wasn’t good for their unborn child.

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