
You jumped accidentally chucking the water bottle at his face. His werewolf reflexes caught it and threw it back to you, who was standing with your hand over your heart.

"Geez, don't just go around sneaking up on people like that"

"Sorry...Y/n right?"

You nod and open the bottle to drink some water.

"I'm Wooyoung"

You just nod and then walk around him to get to your food on the other side of the counter. You were about to walk away to go eat your ramen noodles in peace, but he looked like he needed something.

"Do you want some?"

You asked, pointing to the other packs of ramen on the shelf. He nodded happily, and the two of your spent the next few minutes making ramen and small talk. You could tell he was trying to subtly flirt with you, but you just weren't interested. He seemed nice and handsome and everything, but you'd heard about what happens when people leave with their mates. Sometimes they never got to see their families again.

Right now,  Wooyoung was talking about the benefits of living in his pack, and fun stuff in the area. Trying to sell you on the whole idea. To be honest you felt like it was a business meeting, and not what you wanted for your future. At this point he could tell you weren't listening. Although you didn't realize it, your face gave it away.

"Please just do it"

You turned back to him confused.

"Do what?"

He sighed and looked down.

"Just reject me so I can leave"

You were shocked. When a werewolf formally rejects their mate, there's no hope of them finding another one. A lot of wolves are shamed for getting rejected, and may even become depressed or worse after. You didn't know him, but you weren't going to do that.

"No, why would you want that?"

"Because you're obviously not interested, at least reject me so my wolf understands I don't have a chance"

"I didn't exactly say that, I just-"

"Hey you two how's it going"

Literally your entire family and his pack were walking into the kitchen.

"I'll be back"

You huffed in frustration and went upstairs to clear your head and think about everything. Was he really your mate? Would it be so bad to leave with him? Something about the way you acted earlier made you feel bad, but you weren't ready to talk to him just yet.


Later that evening you went downstairs to get a snack. As you were walking into the kitchen, you heard a conversation. Quickly you hid around the corner to keep listening.

You could hear heavy sobs being muffled by clothes.

"Why would you tell her to reject you, idiot!"

Someone with a deep voice said.

"She doesn't want me"

Wooyoung cried, and for some reason your heart twinged.

"I was so sure that she was the one, y'know...all I wanted was to find love like you guys did"

He sniffled.

"It hurts"

He groaned in pain. You could feel the pressure in your chest too. He was suffering from heartbreak. You were shocked. How could someone be your mate when you felt no attachment to them. He kept crying, which only increased the pain for both of you.

"W-what did I do wrong"

"Nothing, ok...stop beating yourself up"

"She's young, this is a big adjustment and she's probably scared"

A different voice said. You could feel an insane amount of regret now. You must have just not been able to feel the mate pull before, but now that he was showing distress, your wolf was noticing it. You peeled around the corner to see one guy with an intense gaze looking your way.

"I think someone wants to talk to you"

He said, elbowing Wooyoung who looked up to see you peeking around from the corner. Your eyes widened, but his friend gestured for you to come forward. As you did they all left, patting his back to silently wish him luck.


He said, trying to sound tough but you could hear the pain in his voice as he wiped his eyes. You didn't know what to say, so you did the first thing you could think of. You stood on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to reject you. You seem like a really nice guy, I just don't want to leave home and have kids now, I'm only eighteen"

He stood there in silence for a second before slowly returning your hug.

"Thank you"

He mumbled into your neck as he held you, taking in your scent for the first time.

"I promise I'm not mean, I won't force you into anything. You can finish school, and stay here if you want"

You nodded happily, both you and your wolf were glad to know you weren't mated to a jerk. He squeezed you tightly as tears fillled both your eyes. You could feel it, your wolf was finally happy.

Sometimes I don't know how to end these 😂

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