Jisoo asked politely.

"I'm doing well noona, and you?"

"Good as well"

She answered. Jungkook began making small talk with the group of eight before lunging straight into his question.

"So, who'd you bring with you?"

Jisoo was in the middle of speaking when he asked, and immediately she stopped and her eyes widened.

"H-how'd you know t-"

"I could smell her, now tell me who you brought"

He snapped, the hostility of his alpha tone coming out slightly. A low growl emitted from Jisoos mate as he pulled her closer protectively out of instinct. Jungkooks wolf growled back, but louder. He was getting angry, and it was becoming noticeable.

"I'm not asking you again, tell me who she is!"

He growled, the full dominance of his tone now on display along with his flashing red eyes. Jungkook rose to his title of alpha at a young age, and other pack leaders knew he was good at what he did. His pack was feared by many for their size and strength, but while he was a good alpha, he still had one major flaw...his temper.

"Someone who isn't for you"

Lisa answered this time with more of an attitude. Jungkook growled as he stood slowly, his rage prominent enough to fill the room.

"Say that to me again, I dare you"

He threatened, both hands digging so hard into the end of the table that it was splintering. No one said a thing, but with Jungkook in a rage, a chair was already flying across the room before the silent alarm was even rung.


You got the feeling this was some kind of serious situation, so you packed up the few things you opened and got ready to leave in an instant. Your wolf was going crazy in your head. Pacing around, stressing, and insisting you go outside. You tried to calm her down but she wasn't listening. As you were about to sit back down, a strong scent filled your nostrils. It was enticing, and seemed to calm your wolf almost immediately. She was again asking you to go outside, and this time you allowed. The smell led you to your door, but you opened it to see nothing. You could feel your wolfs disappointment, but as you were preparing to go back inside, you heard footsteps coming from around the corner. You poked your head out just in time to see an attractive male running down the hallway at full speed. Your interest pulled you back outside, and you watched as he slowed to a stop in front of you. You held eye contact, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It made you feel safe, loved, everything that your mate is supposed to make you feel. You could feel your wolf was confirming that for you. He reached forward and took both your hands, sending a shock through your body.

"What's your name"

He asked, admiring your features.

"Y/n L/n...and you"

You answered, doing the same to him.

"I'm alpha Jeon Jungkook"

Your eyes widen.

Did he say alpha?! He looks so young

"I can't believe I found you"

He said while moving closer if that was even possible. He assumed his title must have spooked you a little, because when he reached forward to touch you, you took multiple steps back for some reason. His eyes widened before softening again when he realized why.

"Please don't be afraid of me, I promise I would never hurt you in any way"

He reassured you softly while stepping forward. You didn't know why you did that in the first place, maybe because all the alpha talk you'd grown up around scared you a little.

You moved forward a little, walking into his open arms and gratefully accepting the warm hug he was now giving you. His arms felt very safe and secure, and your wolf was happy out of her mind. You found yourself nuzzling into the crook of his neck as he pulled you tighter, rubbing a hand up and down your back.

Unfortunately your moment was interrupted by your family returning.

"C'mon Y/n we need to leav-"

Rosé cut her words when she saw what was going on. He voice startled you into breaking the hug, but Jungkook pulled you back against his chest. She glanced at your suitcases first, then at the way Jungkook had you in his arms.

"You're not taking her with you"

Jisoo spoke in a demanding tone.

"You can't keep me away from my mate"

He snaps back with just as much anger. His alpha tone startled you, and he could feel both you and your wolf tremble slightly.

"Relax, my love, we'll be out of here soon"

He whispers, placing a kiss on your neck before going back to the stare down with your sisters.

"Y/n you don't really wanna leave with him, do you?"

Jennie demanded more than inquired. You could practically cut the tension in the room with a knife. You knew it was right to leave with your mate, but you also didn't want to leave your sisters. Almost as if sensing your conflict, Jungkook spoke in low tone that only you could hear.

"Please come with me, my love. You can meet your new pack, and my family and friends. Besides, I'm sure you'll want to see the home we'll be living in"

He whispers the last part almost seductively, which you catch onto but don't say anything about. You look up to your sisters and rush to give them hugs.

"Sorry unnies"

You say quietly as they wrap you in a group hug.

"Why did it have to be him"

You heard Jisoo complain while she hugged you.

"I'm right here you know"

Jungkook says in the background, responding to her comment. Once you said all your goodbyes, Jungkook, you, and your stuff made your way down the hall hand in hand. You knew your sisters would be worried at first, but you wanted to get to know your mate and his pack. Jungkook promised you would get to visit them soon. As he took you downstairs, a set of shiny black stretch hummers' were waiting for you.

Someone from inside got out to take your things. He was pretty, tall, blonde, and when he gave you a small smile, you swore his mouth formed a bit of a box. You smiled back, but you didn't get a chance to introduce yourself before Jungkook pulled you into the car.

The car ride was pretty quiet, and it was starting to make you tired. Your weight began shifting into him, and he left you sleep on shoulder.

"Rest up my love, we have a bit of a journey to make it home"

You felt him place a kiss on your forehead before you were completely asleep.

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