In the midst of her thoughts, a hand wrapped under her knees while another took form around her back. In the split second Baekah carried Soo in his arm before Wook managed to do anything.

"I was send by the Emperor to escort Lady Soo, hence she will be my responsibility." Baekah said, glancing at Myunghee as if assuring her that Soo would be fine. Soo was surprised by the sudden action, but didn't want to make the prince lose his face, plus she didn't want to hurt Myunghee.

"Eonni, I'll be fine." Soo assured.

"I'll ask the head monk to look at it and head back to the palace if nothing is wrong." Baekah inclined his head, before making his exit with Soo in his arms. Wook know it was Baekah's way of warning him to know his place, a reminder that his wife was right next to him.



After Baekah let the monk look at Soo's burn, it was confirmed that it wasn't serious. The tea was still hot but not to the extend to leave a burn. The skin at most was only red with a light burn that wouldn't leave a scar. After hearing the news Baekah was assured and so left the room for Soo to get changed.

"Head monk please stay" Soo spoke, halting the monk in his step.

"I have a few request regarding my elder sister Myunghee which I want to relay to head monk." Soo said. Taking that as a hint Baekah left the room.

He waited quietly for good sometime, which made him wonder what kind of discussion could take so long? Suddenly the voice inside the chambers arose, making Baekah unable to play deaf.

"My lady please this request is impossible for his old monk."

"Head monk if you don't help me then my life is as good as over."

"If young lady want turn to the almighty my lady have to go to a temple of Nuns this place isn't a proper place to perform the hair cutting rituals."

"If Head monk won't help me I'll just do it myself-"

Baekah's eyes shoot open. The words hit him faster than any arrow could, he knew exactly what was happening inside, Soo was about to serve her fate with the world. He slammed the door open, to the view of Soo holding a scissor in her hands, about to cut the hair of her own.

In shock Soo cut the strand of hair, and was about to cut the rest of, if not Baekah rushed in and grabbed her hand. The long piece of hair was already on the ground, luckily it wasn't a regretful amount.

"What are your highness doing?!?" Baekah yelled.

Upon realising that Soo was of royal, the monk immediately went on his knees begging for forgiveness. He only thought she was a little sister of the prince's wife, never did he expect that Soo had become a concubine of the royal family.

"Let go of me!!" Soo said, fighting with Baekah over the scissor.

"Don't play with that, it's dangerous!" Baekah shouted, but Soo didn't takes his word to mind.

"Now you worry about me?! I don't need that," afraid of hurting Soo, Baekah grabbed the edgy part of the scissors. As Soo snatched the safe part, she accidentally pulled it open and close causing his hand to have a deep cut.

"Aghrrr..." Baekah groaned painfully, making Soo sick of worry. She lost the scissor to the ground, fixing her eyes on Baekah's bleeding hand.

"Your highness-"

"What could've happened to you if you weren't careful!" Baekah exploded, cutting all the formalities.

"It's all because of you!" Soo yelled back. Only the paled monk noticed the two's lack of etiquette but knew better than to make it an issue.

"Are you that eager to make me your mother?!?" Soo yelled in anger.

"Mother?" Baekah said with a plastered frown.

"Don't play dumb your highness!" Soo said with exaggerated sarcasm.

"If I were to marry the emperor you would have to refer me as your royal mother, don't you think?" Soo didn't care to look at his baffled face, instead she was too absorbed by his injured hand.

"My lady, even if you became the most favoured woman of the Emperor your highest position at most would be my imperial sister-in-law."

A/N: did anyone see that come? 😏 who do you think the emperor is? Anyway look forward to next time!

And as promised I posted the deleted ending for those interested in reading it. Hope you liked the many updates^^

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