MDZS | Nie Huisang X Reader

Start from the beginning

You really don't have plans to marry Nie Huisang if it's not because of your parents you won't even be there in the first place, but you didn't dare close your heart completely some part of you still wanted and somehow hope that maybe this male will be you husband forever. Besides you can't control your heart, every time he will learn things from what you teach him your heart will flutter and it's already too late when you realized that you are slowly falling in love with the male.

Time Skip/ ( afternoon)

The two of you were now comfortably sitting still on the pair chair in the table, you noticed that Nie Huisang is starting to write deliberate than earlier you had pointed out that he was gradually getting uninterested and drowsier and so you thought of a plan. A smile play on your lips as you called out his name; his attention immediately focuses on you as you called his given name.

y/n: sect leader Nie would you like to play Go now?" with the idea popping from the said girl, the male looked at her and smiled he straightaway called out for his servants to hurriedly arrange the board game along with his snack and tea.

Nie: right away maiden y/n" with that the two of them waited for the servants to arrive, when the small group of servants arrived they immediately prepare the board table and all the stones needed for the game. Alongside that table was the set snack and tea for you two, every time you will visit the scenario will be like this. You two will play games in the afternoon after you convince the younger sect leader to study in the morning. For the last 19 months you've learn how to manage the young sect leader. The two of you took your rightful position in the arranged table as the pieces of the board game were slowly placed in both your side, you choose color white for your piece and Nei accepted such decision.

The two of you started too placed white and black stone on the board marking the beginning of the match, the game was simple for someone with your level of knowledge you would have defeated the young sect leader in no time. But that wasn't the case when you are playing board games with Nie Huisang. in every board game Nie huisang had ask you to play with him he had proved himself worthy of such opportunity for a match with you. He may not be good at studying but he was well talented in playing board games. The afternoon went well as you planned, you also managed to make him read the councilors amends in such moments when you two are playing and he managed to give out loud groans and grunts when you asked him to read it, but accepted the fate of studying while playing since he had love to make you happy at all cost.

You also learned his bad attitude about saying" I don't know" about the things he don't want to explain or to understand, but never the less you find some way to bend over this attitude of his. But somehow you also wish that he will actually voice out his mind whenever you two talk sometimes, you wish he will be clear to what he was trying to say so you can actually understand him more, but given the time you assume that this confident manner will take him more time to do.

Nie: would you like to attend the banquet for the spring festival with me this coming Friday??" he asked you, as you placed your piece on the board, you smiled at him and spoke " Of course why not?" with that he fan himself as he eyed you tenderly taking up his piece you eyed his formation. He had always treasured watching your intent gaze, he had lived his whole while listening to what people got to say about what he need to do but now he found something he was sure about. You, was the first choice he had made that will change his whole perspective in life.

After the board game, the two of you made your way in your late afternoon tea and this time he would invite you to the garden to experience the cold chill breeze. You never say "no" whenever he asked or invite you, you loved his attention and you would consider anything for him at all cost.

AS the two of you sit in peace, you note such beautiful flower growing on the near pond pink and violet lilies on their peak of blooming. Nie Huisang noticed your adoration and your focus on the flower, he smiled as he called your name " Maiden y/n" you gently turned to him waiting for him to speak " I have something to give you" taken by confusion you gently tilt your head on the side which he find really adorable.

y/n: what is it sect leader?" you looked at him as he cleared his throat, he slowly put a box in front of you the box itself shows extravagant details, painted in black with luring colors of gold and red your mind wonder what kind of gift was inside the box. Nei Huisang had always loved your drifting and your curious eyes, he slowly moved the lid to reveal a well carved hair pin, detailed with beads and gold roses, petals and silver charm a very highly made handcraft indeed. You gasped as you see this gift " for what occasion will you be giving me such item, sect leader Nie??" you asked not liking that he spent so much for a gift for no reason.

Nie: nothing special, I just thought that this wonderfully made pin will suit the most beautiful girl in my eyes" he smiled you stare at him confused not because he just gave you a gift but the thought of he answered you with his thoughts that is. Normally he won't explain why he would do such thing the questions will be answered by his all well-known answer " I DON'T KNOW" but today he had answered you with such nobility.

y/n: Huisang, something is odd about you today?" you asked as you placed your hand on his forehead, his cheeks slowly blossom pink with the touch but he didn't ask you to move your delicate hand away. "you normally will say I don't know whatever I ask you but right now??? You answered me with such wonderful words" you pat his head as he fan himself once more trying to avoid such question that is thrown to him.

Nie: well what do we know?? People tend to change" he smiled as he slowly took the pin on the box, you gently eyed it as he looked at you " May I, maiden y/n??" he asked as you nodded " you may" you gently placed your hair on your side as you wait for him to put it in your tresses, with that he gradually put down his fan as he made way behind you. His slender and soft fingers adorning your soft hair sliding each strand before putting the ornament on the top part of your well-made hair that day. After he was satisfied with the placement of the pin, he walked back to his chair as he eye the well detailed pin on your hair. Your face grows flushed pink even though you like his attention on your sudden actions like this can make you weak and flurry in feeling.

y/n: thank you so much" you looked at him as you averted it the moment he smile, he likes to see such side of you and he loved it when he was the mere reason of this side of yours. He nodded as he smiled once more taking you this time by surprise.

Nie: you look beautiful" with that you can hear the hard thumping in your heard so loud you wish he won't hear it, he smiled as he offered you his hand you hesitantly accepted it as he gently pulled you up guiding you in the nerby pond. " I've always think I was nothing for the years I've spent living, my brother never really understands me the councilors never listen" he pause and he slowly turned to you not letting go of your hand " but then comes you" he smiled " who listened, who let me speak who never actually forces me to do something I don't like" he smiled " for once I wanted to voice out my words on my own" he gently gripped your hand, you turned to his hand his hands were stronger and bigger than yours but it makes you feel comfortable.

" Will you maiden y/n??? be my loving wife today and for the rest of my life" his words echoed in your head, it was sudden but you cannot explain how happy you were that time. " I may not be the wisest man you has ever met but I will do my best to learn and " he pause " Study if that is what will make you happy". You had loved him, started to learn to love him and this time you will spend your whole life loving this man. You slowly closed your fingers on his yearning ones as you slowly turned to him with a smile you nodded " Of Course" the face you never said no to him even once made him feel confident that you will say YES to him.

With that he slowly lean down to kiss your forehead, you smiled by the contact you can't wait to live with him today until the rest of your life " Forever"


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