Drive Safely (P. I) ✰ LJ [25]

Start from the beginning

Your eyes were soon blinded by the car's bright headlights from behind you. They shined in the rearview mirror, almost instantly finding your eyes. You squinted at the source of lighting but still managed to see the streetlight still red. Coming into the right lane, another car pulled up beside you. You didn't think much of it, other than the fact the two cars looked alike. However, it wasn't until you heard a shutter and felt a flash of a camera when you started to question everything.

You turned your head to your right, tinted windows blocked out the person from inside. All you could see was the large camera aimed right at you. You were aware it was paparazzi. You've dealt with them before with Lauren. Every time the two of you went out in public together, paparazzi were nearby watching. It was nothing new. But what was new was how they spotted you in your car at such late hours of the night. Usually, paparazzi only follows you around in the day.

Figuring after the light turned green, the car beside you would stop following you and that they would be fulfilled with their photos. They just continued to follow you more down the street, along with the car behind you. It was only a matter of minutes when another car joined the other two. You sighed, all you wanted to do was go home with no complications but this one was bound to be a huge one.

You tried swerving lanes with other passing cars to try and lose them but it seemed as if that didn't do any good. Although your apartment complex was only several backstreets away, you decided to take the highway to see if you can lose them. You really didn't want them knowing where you lived because that would be an even bigger commotion you couldn't handle. The kind most likely causing you to move out since they'd always be at the gates of your complex. You can just see the eviction notice on your doorstep.

Fortunately, a lot more cars and trucks were on the highway. You felt at ease when you were sure you could lose them. Your eyes would divert from the rearview mirror and the front window often. You needed to keep your attention on the road to not hit other cars but it was a strong struggle considering three other cars were following you, wanting even more pictures and God knows what else.

Your stomach started to knot up, your heart started to race, and your adrenaline was about to be through the roof. For how fast you were going and how often you were swerving lanes, it was highly illegal. It didn't help that cars passing you were honking their horns but you didn't blame them.

You began to slow down when the familiar three cars weren't visible anymore. You went at the normal speed limit, sighing in relief they were gone. You didn't notice the sweat dripping down from your forehead until your sleeve glided across it. You yawned. Driving down the road, a new pair of headlights began to blind you in your rearview mirror. Glancing through the side view mirror on your left, you noticed those headlights weren't new at all but the ones that blinded you in the first place. The ones that started this whole mess.

You passed your exit for what seemed like ages ago, there was no point to try and go home anymore until you knew all paparazzi were gone. You switched lanes once again, speeding down the highway of many cars and trucks. You felt like this was a scene from Fast & Furious since those three cars were driving as fast as you. Everything inside you started to pick up again, sweat, adrenaline, maybe even a few tears.

Once the three cars were close enough to you, you figured out there was more than one person in each car. A person would stick their camera out the window, snapping pictures. The flashes, the headlights, you making sure you didn't crash into anybody was all a difficult task to accomplish.

Your lip began to bleed from how hard you were biting it, which you ignored. You sat at the edge of your seat, constantly diverting your eyes from the front window to the rearview mirror. The dark sky didn't help the fact there were so many black cars out tonight, including your own. Your eyes were glancing at the rearview mirror when your headlights flashed on a dark car. You were too busy gazing at the cars and flashing cameras behind you that you didn't notice the black car in front of you.

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