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The trio walked to a car, and Jane got in, trying to start it. Nina guessed that it was her car. Either that or she was stealing, and honestly, she couldn't care less. Both her and Thor got inside as well, the latter having trouble fitting inside such a small car. 

"So who's Richard?" Thor asked Jane as he pulled down on the collar of his armor, feeling like he was suffocating. 

"Really?" Jane rolled her eyes as she managed to start the car and they started to move. They drove for about half an hour, all in silence, until they arrived in a home Nina imagined was Jane's. Her guess was confirmed when she took the set of keys and opened the front door.

"Jane!" a girl Nina didn't know yelled out in relief when she stepped inside. Thor and Nina followed her in awkwardly. 

"Hey," was all Jane said to her as she walked in. 

"You can't just leave like that! The whole world is going crazy, all the stuff we saw is spreading!" She began to explain. Nina leaned her long-sword against the door, and Thor slowly hanged his hammer, the mighty Mjolnir, on a coat hanger. "Did you go to a party?" The girl asked, noticing the armor Jane was wearing.

"Eric?" Jane asked in disbelief as she noticed a man sitting on a chair around a table, a crayon in his mouth as he stared in concentration at a laptop. Was this... Dr. Selvig? 

"Jane! How wonderful!" He exclaimed, standing up and walking to Jane, enveloping her in his arms. Nina immediately turned her eyes the other way when she realised that he wasn't wearing any pants. "Oh, you've been to Asgard!" he seemed to be the only one to realise so. 

"Where are you pants?" Jane asked way too calmly. 

"Oh, he says it helps him think," a young man that Nina hadn't noticed yet said.  

"I'm gonna need everything you've got on this, all the work you've been doing on gravimeter anomalies, everything," she told Dr. Selvig. He immediately nodded and went to grab his work. 

"Are you well, Eric?" Thor asked, not really understanding the state of mind of his old friend. The man chuckled.

"Your brother is not coming, is he?" he asked, fear present both in his voice and eyes. Nina looked down. 

"Loki is.. dead."

"Oh thank god," Eric sighed in relief, sending a frown to Nina and Thor's faces. The scientists only then realised the two actually cared about the man he was so heartlessly talking about. "I..I'm so sorry," he tried to cover the fact that he was happy Loki couldn't hurt him anymore. 

"Thank you," Thor said. Selvig suddenly started to walk to him, his arms wide open. Thor tried to walk back and escape the situation, but Selvig was too fast, and he hugged the man with his whole body, no pants. They awkwardly patted each other's backs before he let go of Thor. 

"Oh, I remember you," he said when he laid eyes on Nina. "You're that other Avenger who no one knows nothing about! You helped me that day in New York!" He immediately ran to her and hugged her very closely. Nina didn't dare to move. She just stood there, realising how much of a non-huger she was, specially if the other person involved in the hugging was an old, pant-less man. 

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