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Idk if you guys have noticed, but I post a chapter everyday, sometimes twice a day. Idk what's going on, but like I keep getting like 50 views in a chapter and the previous one has like 35. Guys If the story makes 0 sense, that's bc yall arent readin all the chapters!!! Be careful!!


"We need to pass by my place," Nina said. "I've got some money there, and I need clothes."

"Are you sure that's safe?" Bucky asked her. Nina thought about that. Sharon was an agent in disguise pretending to be Steve's neighbor for months. One of her own was probably also working for SHIELD, or worse, Hydra.

"We can't go in by the front door, but I can call Peter, ask him to get in and open the fire escape window," she decided. Bucky frowned.


"He lives next door," she explained.  "He knows about me working for SHIELD."

"Call him then," Bucky told her.

Nina took her phone and called him. He was only thirteen, but Nina knew he trusted her and would never tell anyone about her job.

"Hello?" Peter answered.

"Hey kid," Nina said with a smile. She was glad to know he was okay. Nina put him on speaker, so that Bucky could hear what he was saying.

"Miss Jones? I though you were dead! They told me you were gone missing! How are you - Are you okay? Where are you?"

"He's a kid," Bucky realised, frowning, and Nina nodded.  He already hated the idea. Bucky was completely against putting a kid in danger like this.

"Call down, Pete," Nina told him. "I'm okay, I'm good. And I'm not missing. I'm speaking to you, right? That means I'm fine," Peter's breathing was laboured, letting Bucky notice how much this kid actually cared sbout Nina.

"That makes sense, I g-guess." Peter blurted out. Yet, his breathing didn't slow down, and Nina started to worry.

"Okay, Pete, take a deep breath for me. Just breathe," Nina said. She could see Bucky frowning, he didn't really know what was going on. Peter took a deep breath. Nina knew he had some case of severe anxiety. He was always nervous about everything, and she had already been present during one of his panic attacks, even if he didn't know what they were at the time.

"Okay, yeah. You're right," Peter answered. He took another deep breath and calmed his breathing.

"Are you better?"


"Okay, I need you to do me a favour," Nina explained. "And you can't tell anyone, not even May."

"Uhh. Okay I can do that," Peter told her. Nina smiled.

"Alright, I need you to get in my apartment and open that window to the fire escape," she said.

"Oh, yeah. That's easy, I can do it."

"Peter who are you talking to?" They heard faintly from the phone.

"Uuh.. no one!" Peter yelled back. Bucky sighed. Anyone could see the kid did not know how to lie. They were putting their faith into this wee boy, with no guarantee he would keep his mouth shut.

"Ned," Nina suggested. "Homework."

"It's Ned," Peter said, a bit unsure. Nina wasn't sure if he was gonna convince his aunt. "I'm helping him with physics homework!"

"Okay! Do me a favour and try calling Nina, please. She's not answering and I don't know if she's coming for dinner or not!"

"Yeah, sure! I'll call her as soon as I'm done!"

"Peter," Nina called as soon as they heard a door slamming.


"You're thirteen. Do you even take physics?"

"Oh, I see now how that could become a problem."

"For god's sake," Nina mumbled, but not loud enough for the boy to hear.

"Peter, come on! I need to know if she's coming or not," May's voice was heard once again.

"I gotta go, Miss Jones," he whispered.

"Be safe, Pete."

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