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Warning!!!!: fluf?


"Yep," Nina said, popping the 'p'. She sat down on the pilot seat, changing a few configurations on the ship. Bucky walked up to her and sat on the copilot seat.

Nina thought about her relationship with Bucky, and how she wanted it to be something more. She realised that she knew exactly everything about Bucky's life. From the day and place he was born to the way he 'died', everything before and after that. And what did Bucky know about her? What happened from 1940 to now, and that is barely one tenth of her whole life. He knew nothing about her. He knew her as a person, but.. for Nina, that wasn't enough. When she thought about it, no one who was still alive knew about her whole life.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked her, seeing the pensive expression on her face. His voice brought her back from her thoughts.

"Yeah..." She trailed off.

"You sure? You got that 'something's wrong' face on," he told her quietly.

"What's my 'something's wrong' face?" Nina asked amusingly, a small smile forming on her face.

"You just kinda bite your lip and you frown looking at nothing," he said, also softly smiling. Nina

"No, nothing's wrong," she trailed off.

"But?" Bucky asked.

"I've been thinking," Nina stated. Bucky sucked in a breath. That sentence was never a good sign. "Want it or not, I know pretty much everything about you. Down to the smallest details. I've known you since you were a child, and honestly, you still are one. But I feel like you know approximately nothing about me. It bothers me that I have so much information about your life, and you have none about mine."

Bucky nodded, taking in the information he was just given to. Suddenly, he frowned. "Did you just call me a kid?" He asked with a smirk in his face, his Brooklyn accent slipping out. Nina couldn't help it but let out a small laugh, slapping him lightly on the arm.

Before she could pull away, he grabbed her arm and pulled her on him, again letting her fall on his legs. This time, she took the time to open them and place one leg on each side of his body, facing Bucky. Nina's face was a bit higher than Bucky's, so he had to place a hand behind her head to pull her down.

It wasn't a passionate kiss like the one they had shared before. This was a needy, lusty kiss. It had been years since Bucky had had this kind of relationship with another human being, and he definetly wanted more. He needed more.

Nina, on the other hand, knew what she was doing was absolutely wrong. She knew Time Lords had no right to do this, become this close to humans. Her head was telling her to stop, but Bucky's tongue trailing down her neck told her otherwise.

"I dont know much about your past, but I know no one else does either," Bucky managed to whisper in her ear, sending shivers down her whole body. "So I know that it's not that you don't trust me, it's just you're not ready to talk about it. And that's okay."

Nina wanted to thank him for understanding her situation so easily, but the moment she opened her mouth Bucky went back into sucking her neck and her sweet spot, making her whimper as she grabbed his hair.

Maybe you believe this was rushed. Indeed, Bucky had only remembered about Nina's existence a couple of hours ago. But that's how it had always been. In Hydra, they had to be kept separated, because when they got to close, they acted like magnets. Even back at the army, Nina almost had to ask the General to give her command of another battalion, because she was distracted by having him under her command.

Maybe it was, rushed. But it was right.

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