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"The first rule of going on the run is, don't run, walk," Natasha told Steve.

The three of them where at the mall. They had mutually decided that it would be safer to open the Pen drive to see what was in it there and not at Nina's house for obvious reasons.

"If I run in these shoes they're gonna fall off," Steve commented. The shoes were about 2 numbers bigger than Steve's feet. It was a pair of running shoes Clint had forgotten at her house.

Natasha lead the two into a Mac store to use one of their computers. She then handed the drive to Nina. She knew Nina could get any information out of that thing in less time than herself.

"The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are," Natasha informed the other two.

"How much time do we have?" Steve asked her.

"Uh... about nine minutes?" Nina informed hesitantly.

"You're not sure?" Nat frowned. Nina was usually good with time, very good.

"Um..." Nina said, configuring the computer for it to be able to open any file in the Pen Drive. "Not exactly."

"That's a first," Nat commented.

"How long do you need?" Steve asked her, as Nina readied herself to plug in the UBS key.

"Erm..." Nina did, making the other two very nervous. "About nine minutes. Starting now."


"Can you override it?" Steve asked Nina.

" If you stop talking maybe." Just as she said that, an Apple employee appeared behind them.

"Can I help you guys?" He asked, approaching. Steve immediately placed himself in front of the computer screen. 

"Uh, no," Natasha told him with a fake smile that looked way too real. "My sister is just helping me and my fiancé with some honeymoon destinations," she made up.

"Oh yeah," Steve said. "We're getting married," Steve said. Let's just say he wasn't born to be a liar, and he was kind of blowing Nat's act. They needed him to shut up.

"Congratulations," the man said, way too oblivious about anything. "Where do you guys thinking about going?" Natasha quickly and subtly looked on the screen.

"New Jersey," she said.

"I told them Hawaii is way better this time of the year, but they won't listen. The two dare devils really want to go to Six Flags," Nina added. Thank God Nina was there. They act would be completely blown by now if not.

"Oh," the man said, staring at Steve for way too long. "I have the same glasses at home," he finally said. The three of them let out mental sighs of relief. Eight minutes had gone by.

"Wow, you two are practicly twins," Nat said sarcastically. Only Nina could hear the nervousness in her voice. The man chuckled.

"I wish," he said, looking Steve up and down. "Specimen. If you guys need anything, I've been Aaron."

"Thank you," Steve said, as Aaron walked away. He then turned to Nina really fast. "You said nine minutes."

"Shhhhh, relax," Nina said, somehow her tone of voice calming the two of them. "I've got it."

Wheaton, NJ.

"Good news is; at least we know it," Nina told Steve. They knew that place very well. It was the place where Steve had gotten his shield for the first time from Howard Stark. It was Steve did his training to go to war, where he was chosen as the first subject for the Supersoldier serum.

"Yeah," Steve said, staring at the screen for a second before taking the flash drive out of the port and walking out of the store. "Let's go."

As they walked out, many SHIE-- Hydra agents were to be seen. Steve started to panic. "Standard tac-team. Two behind, to across, two coming straight at us. If they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro." Nina saw how nervous he was and took his hand, squeezing it.

"Shut up and put your arm around me, pretend to laugh at something I said," Nina told him. As Natasha understood Nina's plan, she tucked her red hair inside her hoodie, question of not appearing too noticeable, and walked a few feet behind them.

"What?" Steve asked, confused.

" Do It now," she whispered urgently. Steve did as he was told, throwing his arm around Nina's neck and letting out a fake laugh that was real enough. Nina did the same. At the same time, an agent passed right beside him.

The three of them walked to the escalator, going down a floor. Nat went in first, Steve second and Nina right behind him. The three of them noticed Rumlow going up the escalator beside them at the same time. Natasha immediately turned around.

"Kiss me," she told Steve.

" What?" Nina sighed internally. Couldn't he just do what he was told to do? Nina and Natasha were ex Russian spies, for God's sake, they knew what they were doing.

"Public displays of attention make people very uncomfortable," she had the nerve to explain.

"Yes they do." Natasha quickly pulled down Steve's head and they touched lips. Nina hid behind Steve's shoulders (he had shoulders to spare, let's be real) and pretended to talk on the phone, turning her face away. Nina let out a sigh, relieved, when they reached the bottom of the escalator.

"Are you still uncomfortable?" Natasha asked Steve with a hint of a smirk on her face as they walked outside.

"That's not the word I would use."

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