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Fandral had left their ship to take over the other one following and shooting at them, leaving only the four on theirs.

"Loki are you mad?" Thor yelled as he saw the small hole on a mountain that they were about to go through.

"Possibly," Loki told him smugly. Thor lowered himself above Jane, to protect her from the impact that was surely to come. Nina held on to the side of the ship. "Stay behind me," Loki told her, and she did so without hesitating.

Soon enough, there were colorful lights all around them. It was just like the bufrost, but not as stable, since there was no Heindall to guide them, only Loki. Nina was thrown on the ground once they arrived wherever it was they were.

Nina hit the back of her head on the edge of the ship, but still reached for it to hold on until the ship came to a stable flying action.

"Something smells burnt," Nina commented, as Loki reached to help her up. "Are we burning?" It was safe to say that Nina was quite a bit desorientated from that blow she received on her head. Loki managed to sit Nina up, taking her head in his hands. He watched as her eyes had difficulty following each other.

"Okay, you hit your head pretty badly," Loki told her. "Take it easy, dear."

"I'm fine," Nina argued, trying to stand up. If it weren't for Loki, she would have fallen back down. Loki grabbed her and lowered her down to the ground again.

"You're not," he told her. "Close your eyes. Rest. We are safe as long as we are in this ship," Loki promised. Nina nodded slowly, not even having the choice anymore. Her eyes closed by themselves as she backed up against the edge of the ship, her head falling forward as she rested. 

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins," Loki wondered, watching as thor covered Jane's body.

"It would... consume you," Thor assured him.

"She's holding up alright," Loki mentioned Jane with a nod of his head. "For now," he added.

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know," Thor granted.

"Say goodbye."

"Not this day," Thor told his brother. It seemed as if he had already thought of the matter, and had decided against it.

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heart beat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you," Loki almost murmured.

"I could tell you the same," Thor commented. Loki frowned, standing up and taking the lever that controlled the ship in his hands.

"Nina is different, you know that," Loki told his brother. When he received only silence in return, he faced him again, seeing the confusion in Thor's face. "You don't," he realised. "How can you not know? You brought her here thinking she was human? Do you know how dangerous it is to bring a human to the Dark World?" Loki asked, anger being all that Thor was able to catch from his voice.

"You're not making any sense," Thor told his brother. "Of course she is human, she looks human."

"You stupid oaf," Loki sighed. "You are such an idiot! Of course she's not human. Didn't you notice how resistant she was to meet Odin? Didn't you see the hate she has towards him?"

"I did see how she didn't like him very much, and I must admit, I didn't quite understand why."

"It's because Odin is a selfish bastard that decided it was better to conquer 9 stupid realms instead of helping in the Last Great Time War!" Realisation was written all over Thor's face.

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