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As she stepped inside the ship, it was like nothing she had ever seen. Everything was really dark, and nina wondered if it was because the lights were off or because the species was called Dark Elves.

As Nina stepped in, Thor immediately turned to her.

"Can you pilot this ship?" He asked. Nina blinked.

"No, why would I?"

"I thought you said you know how to fly this thing," Loki told Thor after a few unsuccessful attempts at turning it on.

"I said 'how hard can it be'." Thor corrected. Nina sighed. Great. She was going to have to find out how to fly this thing and put up with this stupid brotherly fight. Wonderful.

Thor started to press every single button on the panel.

"You should probably stop doing that," Nina told him.

"Well, at least I'm doing something," he retorted.

"Whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster," Loki commented.

"Shut up, Loki."

Nina could hear screams from the fight outside the ship. Volstagg was probably fighting off the guards, trying to buy them a little more time. Nina looked over at Jane, who looked extremely pale.

"Are you alright?" She asked Jane, earning a small nod from the young girl.

"I'm just a bit light headed," she admitted. Nina placed the back of her hand on Jane's forehead, noticing she was slightly warm.

"Just take it easy, alright?" She told Jane, making her nod once more.

"You must have missed something," Loki commented as Thor still tried to turn on the ship.

"I didn't, I pressed every button on this thing," Thor exclaimed. Nina scoffed, approaching the panel again. She noticed a big red button in the left corner of the panel, one thor visibly hadn't pressed.

"Don't hit it, just press it gently," Loki told Thor again.

"I am pressing it gently, it's just not working!" Thor almost yelled as he pretty much punched the buttons down. At the same time, Nina gently pressed the red button, making the lights on the ship turn on, and earning a proud laugh from Thor, who believed he had managed to turn on the machine by himself.

Loki scoffed at Nina. He had seen her pressing the red button, and he knew she had turned the ship on. Nina shrugged, not really wanting to tell Thor what she'd done. Loki only rolled his eyes at her.

A circle of light soon formed around them. It was holograms of the palace around them. Thor slowly lifted the ship off the ground, making a 180 turn to get out from the big windows behind Odin's throne. On his turn, he managed to destroy every column that surrounded them.

"I think you missed a column," Loki commented.

"Shut up!" Thor yelled at his annoying brother. He charged and soon they were out of the palace and into the air.

Nina immediately ran to the side door of the ship, which was damaged and could not be closed, sending the wind through her hair and dress. She couldn't help but laugh like a small child.

"Oh, I've missed this," she whispered, closing her eyes and throwing her head back. Nina didn't know, but Jane noticed how Loki looked at Nina. He looked at her as if the world didn't exist. Jane had to admit it, Nina was pretty. And she was much more than a pretty face; she was strong, fearless, and from what Jane had seen, she had wit and wasn't afraid of standing up to people that were supposedly of a higher hank than herself. Loki looked at Nina like she was the most precious thing he had even seen. Jane wondered if Thor ever looked at her like that, because that's something you can't notice yourself. She was 100% sure Nina didn't even know Loki was staring at her. Nina didn't even seem to want anything with him. Maybe it was one of these love/hate relationships.

She was suddenly thrown back, as the ship was violently turned around.

"Why dont you let me take over, I'm clearly the best pilot," Loki told Thor.

"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us which one can actually fly?"

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