Chapter 53

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"You ready?" August asked Lena as he grabbed his jacket. 

"Hm?" She asked, zoning off into her own little world. "Oh, yeah, lets go" She responded, grabbing her purse.

He gently grabbed her hand leading them out of the house towards his car. Today they would be going to meet the little girl Lena could not get off of her mind. 

A week had passed since her nightmare and she still couldn't shake her fear. For some reason she felt responsible to protect this little girl from any and everything. So today since the two both had a day off from work, they decided to meet her together. 

After doing a little digging, Lena found the adoption agency they placed her with. It was an hour drive, but she didn't mind. She only felt anxious as she sat comfortably and waited for their drive to end. 

August on the other hand could only feel excitement. He noticed her nervous nature, so he rubbed her thigh lightly in an effort to comfort her. 

But all he could think about was finally starting his family. In his mind, it didn't matter if it was through adoption or a pregnancy with Lena, he just wanted his own family. 

Based on how his childhood was, he knew what his only goal was. He wanted to have children and make life better than what it was for him. He knew they'd have both parents because Lena and him would never split, and they'd be loved unconditionally. 

After an hour ride, they finally arrived. August parked the car before looking over at Lena. 

"You okay baybeh?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay" She replied lightly smiling. "Lets go"

He nodded his head before getting out of the car and walking around to open her door for her. 

The two walked in hand and hand towards the front desk where they were greeted. 

"Hey, how can I help yall?" The young woman at the front desk asked. 

"Hi, I called earlier. My name is Lena Alsina" 

"Right!" She responded. "You two can sign in here then follow me to the back"

Lena nodded in response while signing their names. Once she finished they were lead towards the back into a smaller room. 

There was one crib against the wall where she knew the baby was. 

"I'll give y'all a minute" She smiled before leaving August and Lena. 

Slowly they both walked towards the crib before leaning over to finally see her. She laid comfortable holding onto her feet as her bright eyes made contact with both of them. 

"Wow.." August almost whispered. "She's beautiful."

Lena didn't reply as she was too surprised at the strong connection she once again felt towards this baby. She didn't understand why, but then again, maybe she wasn't supposed to. 

This wasn't an accident that they crossed paths. This could've only been caused for one reason: God. 

At that moment, she knew what they needed to do without question. She looked towards August and he looked up at the same moment. 

He smiled, already knowing what she was going to say. 

"Ima go get the lady back, aight?"

She grinned and nodded her head watching him walk towards the door. As he left she looked back at the crib before picking the baby girl up. 

It almost felt natural as she held her in her arms and sat in the rocking chair. 

"I can't believe it" She softly spoke out loud. "You're gonna be a part of our family now" She said as she slightly stroked her hair. 

The moment almost felt surreal. After all of the struggles of wishing she could start a family and failing, it was all falling into place. 

"So I hear y'all are ready to sign some papers and take this sweet girl home?" The receptionist said as she walked into the small room. 

"Yes, I'm not sure how the whole process works though. How long until we could bring her home?"

"The process takes a little while but you could bring her home as early as next week"

"Okay, great. Gives us time to buy everything we need"

"Great! Well, you can follow me to the front whenever your ready" She said before leaving out and letting August come in. 

"Babe" Lena said, calling his nickname. "Come hold her" She suggested.

He nodded his head switching spots with her and sitting in the rocking chair. Slowly Lena handed her over to August, seeing how comfortable she looked in his arms. 

He looked in amazement at her knowing she'd be his first daughter. Even though she wasn't their blood, he knew she belonged with them. They'd treat her as their own and love her for life. 

All he could do was thank God for this moment and trust this process. 


Their adopting her!! What do you think her name will be?

This story will be ending in a couple chapters so I can focus on my newest story. If you haven't checked it out, go do so! "Lost & Found"

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