Chapter 20

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*picture of August and his aunt*

My family was finally hea' afta what seemed like forever. To say I was happy would be an understatement.

"Augman, I missed you bro" Travis said as we sat in my room.

"I missed you too bro. Whatchu been up to?"

"Just busy with work. Tryin to work on these promotions and keep livin, ya feel?"

"I hear ya bruh. I'm happy for you"

"Happy for me? Man I'm happy for you. You really doin this shit."

I laughed a little and shook my head.

"I couldn't even be doin dis if it wasn't for Lena"

"Hmm. You must really love her"

"So much bruh. I didn't even know I could. She so different though. She's kept me focused and grounded since I got here."

"That's real bro. Keep her"

"I plan on it"

"You talked to mama yet?"

"..I mean we talked a little but I don't know... I know we need to talk mo'"

"Go on ahead bro. Auntie and them already left for the hotel. I'm probably gonna head out soon"

"I hate y'all gonna stay in a hotel. There's just not much space here"

"Nah you good. Mama can stay here and that's enough"

"Aight bruh. I'll catch up wit you tomorrow" I said as I shook his hand. We dapped up befo' he walked out and headed to his hotel.

It was getting late and I was changing the sheets on my bed fo' mama before she walked in.

"Hey baby" she said as I finished making the bed.

"Hey mama. You good to sleep in hea'?"

"Yes this is good. Thanks for taking the couch for me."

"Oh it's no problem" I replied as I scratched my neck a little. I knew a talk I didn't want to happen was gonna happen. But I still had some pent up anger and we needed to discuss it.

"You know I'm proud of you. After everything with Mel, you still did all this for yourself. You make me proud"

I smiled a little bit before I nodded my head. "I miss him"

"I know baby. I do too. Everyday. But you know he's watching over us. You know he's with you. Guarding over you."

I shook my head a little before sniffling. It still felt like a fresh wound sometimes.

"Come here"

I walked over to the bed as she hugged me tight. There was nothin' like a mother's embrace and it only made it feel mo' real.

"I regret what I did. You didn't deserve the way I treated you Aug. I'm sorry, genuinely. I just hope we can move on from this"

"We can. I forgive you. I can't hold dis against you. At the end of the day, it led me to Lena. I think it was meant to be"

She smiled at me before laughing a little.

"I like her"

"That means a lot to me. I know it will to ha' too"

"She's done so much. I'm happy God showed you each other."

"We just relate so much. She lost someone close to ha' too so we just connect. Make sense together"

"That's good baby. Are you happy?"

I thought for a second before replying. "I am. I think I'm tryna heal everyday but wit everything I got, it'd be selfish to not be grateful. I'm happy"

She smiled and lightly rubbed my face. "I'm happy for you. I love you my sweet son"

"I luh you too mama" I kissed the top of her head before going into the living room.

I set up my couch to sleep on and got comfortable. I decided to text Le before going to bed.

Thank you fo being there today baby. I love you so much

Wife💍: I love you too babe! You know I'll do anything for you.

Goodnight baby. See you tomorrow

Wife💍: goodnight love.

I placed my phone on the charger before becoming comfortable. Finally everything felt at peace. Maybe it was time for my new beginning.

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