Chapter 26

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Sitting in the chair of the hospital building's waiting room, a million thoughts ran through my head. It was as if they would never stop no matter how hard I tried.

I had been sitting here for close to 5 hours waiting on any type of check up on the condition of August. I couldn't talk, I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink.

I just wanted to know that he would be okay.

Reminiscing over what happened after I left the room, I quickly zoned out from my surroundings. 

Running down the stairs I felt my heart racing. All that I could see was blood and three bodies laying motionless. I grabbed my phone in my shaky hands attempting to call the police. 

"911 What is the emergency?"

"Hello I- I need um an ambulance and the police, I think he killed my mom and boyfriend" 

After giving her the address and waiting what felt like an eternity I could finally hear the sirens in the distance.

"August... you cant leave me baby. I need you! Please just stay with me for a little longer. Please God!" I sobbed as I held his head in my lap.

I sat there crying as I saw the paramedics come in and check the pulses of everyone, which I had already done. I hadn't processed that my mother was really gone after I finally had her in my life. 

I knew the man my mother married was psychotic from the way he could beat his own wife and child senseless but I never expected to be put in this situation. I had a bad feeling coming in here and I should've trusted it. This was my fault...

I watched as they took Augusts body from me attempting to keep him alive. He had a faint pulse, but that was all he needed. As I got in the ambulance with him, I watched as they put my mothers body in a black body bag.

At this time, all I could think of was August. I couldn't think about how I would never have a mother again. I couldn't think about what would happen if August left this Earth too. All I could do was pray that God wouldn't punish me in this way.

 I watched as they shocked his body making me feel as if it was my heart that was stopping. Crying endless tears as they put his body onto the stretcher and taking him away from me to surgery put me in a state of pure fear.

Feeling someone shake me I slowly looked up to make eye contact with Jalen.

"Lena? Sis?"


"Lena I've been calling your name"

I stared emotionless at his face waiting for him to continue. I guessed the police called him and my dad as I watched him run in in the back ground. 

"Lena oh my God are you okay?" my dad asked as he reached my and grabbed my face.

I could only stare. I felt as if nothing could come out. 

I felt him embrace me making me shed a few tears. I wasn't sure how I was still crying after all I had done. 

A few minutes later I saw a doctor walk towards us making me hop up and walk towards him with Jalen and my dad behind me.

"Family of August Alsina?"

"Yes" my dad said from behind me.

"Well as you know we lost him once on the way here which made surgery difficult. He was shot once in his side but the surgery was successful and he is in recovery right now. He can have one guest at a time"

I took one deep breath before closing my eyes and looking upwards. In my head I thanked God a million times over again for keeping him here and safe.

I followed the nurse who lead me towards his room.

"Hes asleep right now from all of the medication. He probably won't wake up until tomorrow. Don't be frightened by the tubes, they're helping him" She warned me as we entered the room.

Finally seeing him my eyes welled up with tears, thankful that God saved him.

I walked to the chair next to his bed and pulled it closer before grabbing his hand. I placed a kiss on it before laying my face against it. 

"God, I love you so much August" I sniffed. Feeling his hand squeeze me I looked up towards him.

Of course he was still asleep as the nurse warned me but knowing that he was still here with me made all of my fears go away.

He was alive.


After spending hours at the hospital, visiting hours ended meaning I had to leave. Jalen drove us home because my dad was picking Maria up from her friends house.

Knowing that August was okay made my heart feel lighter, but knowing that my mother was gone forever weighed heavy.

I knew I felt broken but today Maria lost her mother and father. I wasn't sure how she'd make it through this but I knew that we were family now which meant it was up to us to help her.

"I'm gonna stay the night over here okay? We can spend the night in the living room or something if it makes you feel better" Jalen suggested. I nodded my head but I knew I would be getting no sleep tonight.

As we pulled up the house I grabbed my keys to unlock the front door before sitting in the living room. Jalen played something on the tv while I sat comfortable with a pillow trying my best to meditate so I could keep the images out of my mind.

This quickly ended as I heard the front door open and Maria walked in quickly going up the stairs. After she walked past I saw my father walk in and sigh as he sat his hat on the table.

"Lena, will you go check on her?"

I nodded my head before standing up and going up to my room. She wasn't in there so i slowly moved towards the guest room where my mother was staying. 

As I slowly opened the door I saw Maria holding a piece of her clothing up to her nose smelling her scent while crying. I sat next to her and lightly rubbed her back before she turned to face me.

"Why?" She simply asked me as tears ran down her face.

"I don't know sis" I replied.

She shook her head before laying her head on my lap and crying her heart out. We stayed in that position for what felt like forever as I rubbed her arm and crying tears of my own.

It felt unfair to finally have my mother in my life after years of her being gone just to be taken away. We were just given the opportunity to make a relationship but now that was over. It pained me deeply knowing I wouldn't have her here even if I needed her. 

Knowing Maria was probably feeling alone made my heart ache. I knew in this moment that I could not leave her. I wasn't sure if she could make it on her own anymore.

Eventually we went downstairs to sit with Jalen and listen to the tv playing in the background just so we wouldn't be in silence anymore.

He wrapped his arm around both of us holding us and trying his best to comfort us like the best brother he was. I relaxed in his hold feeling safe and thankful that I still had him and my dad.

I knew there had to be a reason behind this, I just couldn't figure it out right now. Maybe one day it would make sense...


How yall feel? :/

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