Chapter 46

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As the couple waited at the airport they sat and held a short conversation. Today August's mom would be coming in town for the weekend and they were both very excited.

August was ready to see his mother and update her on everything while showing her around. Lena was just excited to see her and talk, seeing as they'd become very close.

Lena never really had a mother figure in her life, but now she did and she loved it. Although she missed her real mother often, she was moving forward. She refused to go back to those hard times and focused on her life now while staying positive.

Lena replied to a text Maria had sent her while they sat waiting. Maria had been doing a lot better since staying with them. She was getting rest and seeing a doctor who had given her the right vitamins and tips for staying healthy.

Overall, things were going great for them.

School was always tough for Lena but now that she had found outlets, she sensed that she could control her anxiety. Being in church and staying positive had changed things drastically.

She wasn't the only one who could feel it though, August could as well. He was finding new inspirations for what he planned to do with his life.

Working in a gym was good money for now, but not forever. He wanted to be able to take care of Lena for life while loving what he did.

For now though, he'd continue working and helping Lena pursue her dreams.

"August, Lena" Sheila, his mother, said with a smile as she approached them. She brought Lena into a warm hug before turning to August.

"Hey ma" he said before hugging her showing nothing but love. Since restoring their relationship they have been closer than ever. It was as if they needed that time apart to appreciate it all.

"Come on, let's go home" Lena said, leading them out of the airport.

After a 30 minute ride they arrived at the apartment and showed Sheila around.

"Wow, this is nice! I'm impressed" she said, looking around.

"Thanks ma" he smiled. "Travis and Hazel will be here soon so we can start dinner"

"Hazel?" She questioned. As soon as the words left her mouth, Lena and August looked at each other with a confused face before looking back at her.

"Uhh yeah. One of my good friends" Lena replied, with a close lipped smile. She knew once they arrived Travis could explain for himself. 

"We'll be right back" August said before leading Lena towards their bedroom. 

"Why hasn't he told her?" Lena asked with a whisper. 

"I don't know" August replied shaking his head. "He's so secretive sometimes. She'll find out tonight though" He shrugged. 

While he changed shirts Lena sat at the edge of the bed watching him. Still after these years, she was amazed by him. How sexy he could be without trying. 

Once he caught onto her staring he laughed lightly before walking towards her. 

"Whatchu lookin' at?" He questioned with a smirk. 

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