Chapter 2

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The sound of my alarm clock brought me out of my deep sleep as I reached my arm across to turn it off. I took a deep breath until I made myself get up and get ready for school.

It was my first day seeing as I just moved hea' from New Orleans a week ago. I knew it was weird ta come in as a new student in senior year, but due to my family situation dis was just tha way it was going to be.

I didn't plan on makin any friends, I just needed to graduate so I could plan my next move.

I grabbed my stuff and locked tha door to my apartment before I left. Afta driving around I finally found tha school and a place to park before I headed for the office.

"Hello, how can I help you" the lady at the office asked.

"I'm new, I just need my schedule" I replied.

"Okay! Let me just get your name and I'll print it out for you"

"August Alsina"

After she printed my schedule out, I found my way around to my first class. The day seemed to go by slow after that, other than tha weird stares and whispers as I walked by.

Once lunch came around I went back out to my car to chill before going back to class. I didn't want to be around a bunch of people I didn't know or care to know. I was fine with being alone, that's how it was most of the time anyways.

Even in New Orleans I felt as if I was constantly alone. Other than spending time with my two older brothers, I kept to myself.

Melvin and Travis were my brothers and the only people I could really depend on. Most people would claim they were "real" but were the fakest of them all.

That was fine with me though, as long as I had my brothers. It was only once I lost my older brother Melvin that things changed for me.

As I sat there listening to music to distract the thoughts that were trying to come, I saw a girl walk out of the double doors and lean against a car I assumed was hers.

She seemed to be focused on whatever was in her phone. I couldn't help but stare. The dark skies made it hard to see the details of her face.  Her aura just pulled me in, but she eventually left and went back in.

I checked tha time on my phone and realized lunch was almost over so I headed inside too. The day was almost over with just one class left to go to.

I walked in as the bell rang and the teacher greeted me.

"Hello, you must be our new student" he said with enthusiasm.

I nodded and he pointed to a desk for me to sit in near the back. As I looked up I noticed the girl from before. We made slight eye contact before I sat down and got comfortable.



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