Chapter 22

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Hearing the voice mail once I again I sighed loudly before laying flat on the bed.

Dinner had passed and I was now trying to contact August so we could talk, but I guess he was deciding to ignore me. Could I blame him though?

It's my fault we're fighting like this. I let my anger get in the way and took it out on him. I just hoped he would hear me out and forgive me. But as each hour passed I felt him slipping more and more.

It felt as if my heart was slowly breaking. I hoped this would just be a fight, but I honestly wasn't sure. What if he was done with me? What if he didn't believe me?

Tears became flowing from my eyes freely as I let my thoughts get the best of me. Considering I never opened up to anyone, I felt hopeless. I don't know what I'd do if August left me to deal with life by myself.

It was scary feeling so attached to him, but I thought it was a two way thing. I thought we felt the same way about each other. If we did, why did it feel as if he was avoiding me?

I laid there for a while just thinking myself into a depressing mood before hearing my phone vibrate.

Babe💍: I'm about to come pick you up. Be ready in 5 min.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my crying down so I could get ready. I washed my face with some cold water to try and look as if I hadn't been crying for a while.

Grabbing my purse and phone I walked down stairs and sat on the couch waiting. I was home alone since my dad left directly after dinner. He didn't tell me where he was going, but I figured it was work related.

Hearing a car pull into the drive way I walked out of the front door and towards his front seat.

As soon as I sat down and closed the door he pulled out and began driving. It was silent other than the air blowing through his window. I decided to stay quiet until he said something.

After a few minutes of driving he parked somewhere at a park. Since it was starting to get late there was no one here other than us.

"You been cryin?" He asked. I thought I had hid it well but I guess he could see right through it.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

"Marcus told me what happened."

"Oh yeah? Well what'd he say. I'm sure it was a lie" I replied becoming defensive. He raised an eyebrow at me before responding.

"He told me you tried comin onto him and yo feelings got hurt when he denied ya."

I scoffed before replying. "And you believed him?"

"Naw Lena. You think I'd believe dat?"

I stayed silent for a moment processing what he was saying.

"I I don't know. I thought you would... I mean he is your family"

"And? Whea' my family been?" He said as he turned to fully face me. I noticed his lip was slightly busted causing me to frown.

"August what happened?"

"Bruh got his ass beat das what happened. Wanna lie on my girl? Fuck outta hea' man." He replied becoming angry. I felt terrible that he was fighting with his family over me. Just when I thought things were turning good.

"I'm sorry August" I said becoming teary eyed.

His gaze softened when he realized I was becoming upset. He took a deep breath and rubbed my cheek lightly.

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