Chapter 41

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"But babe, let's just stay a little longer" Lena whined as he zipped her last bag.

"Lena, come on man. Don't do this" he said, sighing as he looked at her pout.

"I don't wanna go back."

"Why?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"I love it here. I feel like we're about to go back and I'm just gonna be stressed out constantly from school and everything."

"I get that you're anxious, but you can't think like dat'. We're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine, it's okay. I got you, aight?" He asked as he held her face in his hands.

He knew exactly how she was feeling considering this wasn't her first time. Lena had a habit of overthinking situations and making them even more stressful.

In her mind, going back to Atlanta was scaring her because she knew stress would eventually come. She wanted to stay out in Italy where she was feeling nothing but peace.

But that wasn't how life worked. And August knew that he was going to have to keep reminding her that things would be okay.

"Okay" she sighed. They finally grabbed their bags and packed them in the car that would be taking them to the airport.

After the long process of going through security and bag check, they were about to board the plane.

"You okay baybeh?" August asked as he rubbed his fingers through her hair.

"Yes, I'm fine. Hazels been texting me about when we'd be home and all that" she said.

"What about Maria?" He asked.

"She's been busy with college stuff I think. I'm not sure" she shrugged.

August nodded his head, but in his mind he was confused. Maria was beginning to act different towards Lena and he wasn't sure why, but it seemed like Lena hadn't noticed it.

He decided to let it go and hope that she'd change her ways soon.

As soon as they called their flight Lena sighed before grabbing her purse and following August onto the plane. It was going to be a long flight and all she wanted to do was be in her bed.

"LENA!" Hazel shouted as she spotted the couple in the airport.

Lena smiled widely before running towards Hazel to give her a hug. The two had definitely become like sisters so being apart was hard for both of them.

"I missed you so much" Lena said as she hugged her tightly.

"I missed you more. Hey August" she said as she pulled away from the hug.

"Wassup?" He said as he gave her a side hug.  "Where's Travis?"

"He's sleeping" she said before turning to Lena.

August nodded as he understood before grabbing their last bag so they could leave. Hazel was picking them up and Travis was supposed to come with her. He had just come back from visiting their mother in New Orleans though, so he was probably tired from the drive.

Hazel and Travis had continued dating since the time they met when they went bowling which made August and Lena more than happy.

The couple deserved each other as they had similar personalities and goals. They were both goofy but wanted to make the most out of the life they were given which was encouraging to everyone.

"Okay, you guys get some rest and Lena I'll call you tomorrow to make plans" Hazel said as she parked in front of their apartment complex.

"Okay, thanks for picking us up. Love you"

"Love you too. See ya August"

"Bye Hazel" he said before closing the door and helping Lena with the bags.

Once they had everything in the door they both plopped on the couch, finally relaxing.

"I never knew I could miss this place so much" Lena said.

"But earlier you didn't even wanna come home"

"Yeah, that was before I was on a plane forever" she said, rolling her eyes. Of course that made August flick her since he was trying to get her to stop the habit.

"Okay can you stop doing that"

"Can you stop rolling them eyes? They gone get stuck" he said before standing up to go grab ice cream.

"Whatever" she mumbled, rolling her eyes once again.

"What do you wanna watch?" She asked him.

"You can pick baybeh" he said before handing her a spoon.

Lena smiled at his action before turning a random movie on and enjoying their night. If it was up to her, she would never change this.

She loved spending quality time with her man without a care in the world.

She was excited to finally be done with school and starting her career though. She desperately wanted to help children and pursue her dream. 

All she wanted was for kids to have an equal chance at life without all of the baggage that came with it. She knew how hard it could be sometimes and she wanted kids to be just that, kids.

"I love you" August said, disrupting her thoughts.

"I love you more"

"Girl, you know that's not true" he said before eating another spoon full of ice cream.

"You know it is true" she responded.

If they were being honest, they both had such a deep love for each other that it didn't even make sense sometimes. 

It wouldn't make sense to everyone, but it made sense to them.

They're back! What's next? 👀

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