Chapter 17

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The light shining in from the window woke me from my deep slumber. As I took a deep breath I attempted to stretch and wake myself up more before I felt Aug's arm holding me down.

I turned around to face him and cuddled up in his chest as he held me close, slowly waking up himself. His warm embrace made me want to stay in this bed all day, but I knew I couldn't.

I kissed his chest before rolling myself out of bed to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I started the shower hearing Aug waking up in the background and waited for the water to get hot. He walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and walked into the shower with me once he was done.

"Good mawnin baybeh" he said as we stood under the steaming water. He kissed my forehead then turned around to get the towel and soap. I smiled at him as he began to wash my body in a loving manner.

I rinsed the soap off and did the same for him. We stood in the shower a little longer enjoying the heat before getting out and drying off.

I checked my phone and realized it was 11 meaning I had an hour before I had to meet with my mother and her daughter. I sighed slowly before deciding to fix a small breakfast and get ready.

"You hungry babe?" I asked Aug as he entered the kitchen.

"A lil bit. Whatchu fixin?" He asked as he came behind me hugging my waist.

"I'm just gonna make a bagel. What do you want?" 

"Yeah I'a have a bagel too. Ima fix some bacon too." He concluded before walking to the fridge.

Once we finished cooking, we sat at the table eating our breakfast and enjoying the silence.

"You ready fa' today?"

I nodded before responding. "I think so. Who knows, maybe I'll get some more answers" I shrugged. He smiled at me which confused me. "What?"

"Nun, just proud of you. For bein positive about it"

"Thanks babe" I replied smiling at him.

"How yo brudda feel about it?"

"Honestly he never tells me how he feels so I don't know. I need to check on him.."

He nodded his head agreeing with me.

We finished up breakfast and cleaned up before I got changed in the clothes I packed. I added a little mascara and lipstick before checking the time.

"Alright babe. I'm gonna leave, I'll call you later" I said as I laid on him.

"Okay baybeh. I luh you" he replied kissing me deeply. I blushed a little before leaving.

I got in my car and started it up making my way towards the small cafe they wanted to meet at.

My nerves were high awaiting to meet with them but I just hoped it all went good. I arrived shortly and parked my car. I took a deep breath before going inside.

As soon as I walked in, I saw my mother sitting at a table. I walked towards it as she looked up and noticed me.

"Hey sweetie. How are you?" She asked as I approached them.

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