Chapter 51

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"Lena, can you make some copies of your presentation for the meeting?" Grace, my coworker, asked as I sat at my desk.

"Yeah, of course" I smiled. 

I had only been at work for a few hours, but this was one of my most productive days. There was also a meeting within the hour, so I made my copies before finishing one last assignment. 

As a social worker, I enjoyed my work outside of the office much more than in it. When I was here it was mainly entering data and paper work. Out there, I was able to really feel as if I was making a difference. 

It was hard at times since working with children came with some heart breaking stories, but I've been able to hold my emotions so far. 

"Okay everybody, lets go" My boss announced. 

We all made our way to the conference room where a long, boring meeting would take place. I loved by job, but sitting in a small room full of people definitely kicked my nerves up. 

I didn't complain though. I was here to make a difference, that was all. 

The people who worked here were nice and I had made acquaintances, but it wasn't my priority. 

So, I sat and listened for an hour before we were finally dismissed for lunch. I left to grab something quick before getting comfortable at my desk once again. 

Today I had an assignment with Grace out of the office so I knew as soon as we finished lunch we would be leaving. 

And just as I expected, she walked over to my desk. 

"Ready to head out?" She asked.

"Yeah, lets go" I replied. I grabbed my bag and scarf before following her towards the double doors. 

She drove us for about twenty minutes until we arrived at the home. I read the file before we left, so I knew what was going on. 

A single mother was here with her new born child and called for our help. I assumed she wanted help finding a support group we offered or one of our other services, but I wasn't sure. 

As we walked towards the front door, we noticed it was slightly cracked. Grace looked at me with a confused face before I knocked. 

"Hello?" I asked as we waited to hear any noise. 

"Is there a car in the drive way?" I asked Grace. 

"Let me check" She responded before walking around the side of the house. 

While she walked away, I heard a small cry. I decided to push the door open slightly and walk in. 

"Hello?" I asked again, walking inside and looking around. 

Everything looked spotless and almost empty. I walked through the living room, not seeing anything. It was connected to a kitchen that was also empty. 

I was about to give up until I heard another cry to the left of me. There was a closed door, but I decided to open it and see who was in there. 

The room was a nursery, completely spotless. Inside of the crib laid a baby, no more than three months old. 

Her bright green eyes made contact with mine as she stretched her arms above her head. We stayed there, looking at each other, as if I couldn't look away. 

That was until I heard Grace calling my name. 

"I'm in here" I called back. Eventually she found me and the baby, with a look of shock on her face. 

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