Chapter 24

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As the sun began rising and shining through the window, Lena stirred from her sleep. Feeling her move, August wrapped his arm around her waist tighter in a secure manner making her melt more into his arms.

The couple had two more days in Atlanta and planned to make the most of the time. Looking at the time on the alarm clock, Lena decided now would be the best time for them to wake up.

It was only 9 0'clock, but it took both of them a while to get ready. Grabbing her phone she realized she had a text from her mother making her smile lightly. Through all the trouble she felt while growing up without her mother, she was definitely happy to have her back in her life.

As she responded to the text she felt August turn over and leave the bed walking towards the bathroom. After a few minutes he walked back in and kissed the side of her face.

"Good mawnin baybeh" he said.

"Good morning babe" she responded getting comfrotable in his arms once again.

"Whatchu wanna do today?"

"Mmm... I'm not sure. Lets get some breakfast and decide from there. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, whatever you want."

They both stretched before getting up fully to brush their teeth and wash their faces. They decided to shower together to save time, but that always led to August messing with Lena.

"Seriously babe! Quit!" she pleaded as he continued to tickle her sides.

""Aight aight I'm done" he said still laughing at her faces.

He grabbed the soap and the towel, lathering it up before he continued washing her body as he was once doing. Getting closer he pressed her back towards his chest as he washed her stomach before speaking into her ear.

"I had fun last night. You know I missed you"

She turned around to face him with a slight smile.

"I missed you too bean"

"Man, what I tell you about calling me that?"

"But its so cute. You're like my cute little bean" she responded, pinching his cheeks.

"Nah, you bein shady. It's okay, I see you"

She laughed loudly before taking the rag from him to continue the shower.

After their shenanigans, they were finally eating at a small diner near their hotel.

"I figure we go tour some apartments so I can figure out whea' Ima stay"

"Well I had an idea but I'm not sure how you'll feel" Lena confessed.

"What is it?"

"What if we move in together? I have the option of living off campus. Plus I'd feel more safe with you than some stranger"

"You want to foreal?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes babe."

"But you went through all that drama tryna figure out living down hea' already"

"True, but I don't care. I wanna be with you"

"Aight baybeh. That sounds perfect to me" He said making her smile.

"Great! So that's what we'll do today. Tonight lets explore the night life"


"August please! Carry  me" Lena whined as they walked down the street to their hotel. The couple had been out for hours looking at apartments to live in and Lena felt beyond exhausted.

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