Chapter 47

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3 years later

"Babe, can you answer that?" Lena asked August while she finished her makeup.

"Yeah, sure" he replied before answering the call from Maria. She was asking about where we were considering we were late, as always, so he let her know we were on the way.

Today was her daughter Melody's 3rd birthday. They decided to have a family dinner but Lena was let out of work late which lead to her rushing.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go" she said as she walked towards their bed to get her purse.

"Hold up, lemme look at you" August said as he grabbed her waist and turned her around.

He looked her up and down before grabbing her hand and spinning her around.

"Damn I'm lucky" he admitted, causing her to laugh and blush at the same time.

"Babe stop" she smiled as he kissed all over her.

"What I can't love on my woman?"

"You can... just wait til after the dinner"

He smirked before nodding. "Aight, I gotcha"

Once they locked up their house they walked towards their car and headed to the restaurant.

Between Lena and August, not much had changed over the years.

The only difference was now Lena was graduated and finally pursuing her dreams. She had received a job offer right after graduation to become a social worker to help children in need.

It was everything she imagined it would be. Everyday she loved what she did so most of the time it didn't even feel like work.

With her making extra income for them, they were able to move into a house. It was small, but they didn't need much space since it was just them.

They had a couple extra rooms just for the future. They planned on having children of course, but they decided to be patient.

August was doing big things as well. After working at the gym for years, he showed his loyalty with the company. For that, he was rewarded.

Now he was promoted as a manager of all of the gyms in the city. He never imagined this for himself, but he loved it. He was proud of himself for being able to work hard and achieve so much. All of it without a college degree.

As they pulled up to the restaurant they walked in hand and hand where they quickly found their friends and family.

"Look who finally showed up" Maria announced as Lena and August took their seat at the table.

"Sorry, sorry" Lena attempted to say as she sat down next to her father.

"It's okay sweetie. Just glad your here" he said as he hugged her.

"Thanks dad." She responded as she hugged him back. "Melody" she called out, getting her attention.

"Huh auntie?"

"Come here, I have your present" she smiled.

Quickly the little girl ran to her aunts lap while August held the wrapped present in his hands.

"You ready?" August asked.

"Yes" she grinned.

"Aight" he laughed before handing the present to her.

After a small struggle she opened it and gasped as she saw the toy. Occasionally August and Lena will babysit her, so while they recently did she told them about a toy she wanted desperately.

So they surprised her with it and to say she was happy seemed to be an understatement.

"You like it?"

"I love it! Thank you auntie and uncle August" she responded as she hugged the both of them.

After that she ran back to her seat and they continued the dinner. There were many different conversations going on at once though.

While Lena talked to Jalen and her dad, August talked to Trav, Hazel, and Maria.

Yes, after three years Hazel and Travis were still together. After taking a small break, Travis realized his mistake and worked hard to get Hazel back.

His hard work was worth it though, as they were now married and had a newborn baby.

"How's Anna doing?" August asked during their conversation.

"She's good! She's staying with my mom for the night so we could come out" Hazel responded.

"Das' good. You know we can watch her too? We need the practice" August hinted.

"Of course Aug." Hazel smiled.

Hearing that made him happy because he loved his niece. And it felt important for Lena and him to take care of her and make sure they were prepared for when she became pregnant.

Recently she had weaned off her birth control and they were trying to get pregnant. It felt as if the time was perfect now and they desperately wanted to have their own.

Especially after seeing the people around start their own families.

"So Jalen, how's the new job treating you?" Lena asked.

"It's good. I am definitely happy they moved me out here. I missed you sis" he responded as he hugged her.

"I missed you more" she pouted. "Now I have my whole family here. I just feel so happy right now" she confessed.

And it was true. Everyone important to her was so close now, she didn't have to worry.

Maria was living with her babygirl in an apartment alone and doing well for herself. Jalen was relocated nearby so when he moved out here, their father decided to as well.

August still had Travis here, but his mother stayed in New Orleans. She felt as if that was her true home, but she still visited from time to time.

Their family was close and all doing great. It was all falling into place.

Big time change 😬 stay w me y'all... I got something coming.

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