Chapter 39

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"You got your phone?" August asked as we packed our bag in the car.





"August! I got it" I said rolling my eyes as we finally settled in the car.

"I'm just making sure baybeh" He responded, raising his hands to surrender.

"I'm so excited to be there already"

We were going to be making our first trip out of the country to Venice, Italy. This was going to be new to both of us, but we deserved it for our anniversary.

"Are you excited babe?" I asked as I started eating the grapes I had packed.

"Yeah, I am" he responded while opening his mouth for a grape.

"Hopefully these plane rides are quick"

"It'll be worth it" He shrugged.

"You're right"


"Come on Lena, we're here" August said shaking me as the plane was finally landing. By now it was completely dark outside and I had no idea what time it was, but I felt drained.

Sitting on planes were uncomfortable and boring to me so I was more than ready to get off.

After quickly grabbing our luggage and finding a taxi, we were arriving at the house we rented for the week.

"Babe, this is amazing" I said, smiling as I unlocked the front door.

As I turned on a few lights I was instantly falling in love. Our house was definitely unique and bigger than it seemed in the pictures.

In the kitchen there was a bottle of champagne with a note from the owners congratulating us which made me smile. We decided to give ourselves a tour and admired everything about the house.

The master bedroom had a huge bath connected to a bathroom with a clear shower that seemed like it could fit 5 people. There was a balcony from the bedroom which had a beautiful view of the river.

"Babe, this is perfect" I said as I turned towards August with a pout.

"You're perfect" He said as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much, husband" I responded as I gave him a deep kiss.

He grinned and laughed a little before responding.

"I love you even more, wife" He smiled. "I can finally say you're my wife"

"It's crazy, huh?"

"I never imagined life being like this. I'm happy its wit' you though"

I sighed contently. I never imagined it being like this either.

From being a depressed teen who spent way too much time alone to being extremely happy with the love of my life seemed bizarre.

He wiped my tear that slipped with a concerned face.

"Whats wrong love?"

"I just.. I never thought I could get to this point where I feel genuinely happy. You made this possible for me and you'll never know how much I appreciate you" I responded as more tears threatened to fall.

"In high school, I was so depressed. I contemplated suicide, I was anxious about everything. And now I just feel so much peace. I know everyday is different and sometimes I won't feel this way, but right now, in this moment, I am happy. I will love you for the rest of my life babe"

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