Chapter 7

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My birthday had come and passed and it felt like my happiness went with it. Just as I felt like me and August were getting somewhere it ended.

I saw him walking with Jada as always, but it was different this day. He was holding her hand and they were smiling all in each other's faces. Instead of having to face him and try to hide my pained expression I just left. I went to my car by myself and thought about how I'd handle the situation.

And now a few days had passed and it was a Friday. I didn't wanna just cut off our friendship like that after opening up with each other so much, but I refused to feel like a fool.

I really felt as if we could've been something. And maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should've spoke on my feelings before giving her a chance to snatch him away. But if he felt the same way, then he wouldn't have pursued her.

It just didn't seem real. I was honestly hurt but I wouldn't let that show. I would just keep my distance. Limit our talking and move on from it. I was better on my own anyway. He just proved that he was like everyone else.

As I was leaving our last period I didn't wait for him like I hadn't been the past few days.

"Aye Lena" August called after me as I was walking towards my car. I decided to keep walking hoping he would give up. I was awful at confrontation and I just didn't wanna deal with it at this point. It was better to just leave it as it was.

"Hey, I know you hea' me callin yo name" he said catching my arm making me stop as I was about to open my door.

"What August" I said with an attitude.

"Man wassup wit you. You just ignore me and shit, what'd I do?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

He shook his head letting out a low chuckle showing his frustration.

"If I'm chasin you out hea' obviously I care. I thought we was friends? You just gonna leave me behind like that wit out a reason?" He said seeming truly upset. It honestly made me upset to see how upset I was making him.

"Maybe this is how it should be August. You have Jada and that's good for you. I'm not gonna stand in the way."

"Whatchu mean stand in da way? You act like dat girl mean mo' to me." He said with a confused facial expression.

What the hell did he mean by that?

"Don't play dumb August. I saw y'all holding hands and shit. Me and that girl have never and will never get along. So if you wanna be with her, go ahead but I'm not gonna stick around to watch it happen."

He shook his head looking down. "Man if you woulda stuck around you woulda seen me let ha hand go and tell her I wasn't interested like that." He replied shaking his head. "She was my project partner and she wanted more but that's not who I want." He said staring into my eyes.

I couldn't believe it. I felt so dumb, ignoring him and making a fool of myself for coming to assumptions. I shook my head becoming saddened until I realized the last part of what he said.

"Who you want?" I questioned.

"Yeah who I want. You are who I want Lena." He said with a smirk almost looking shy. I was sure my face was turning red from the blushing I was doing.

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