Chapter 10

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"Yes Aug, I'm walking in now" I said laughing a little.
"Aight baybeh, I'm just makin sure."
"Okay, I'll call back in a little bit."
"Okay, I luh you" he said making me grin.
"I love you too babe" I said still smiling as we hung up.

I had just gotten off from work when he called to make sure I got home safe. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and thankfully neither of us would be working. We were gonna come over here for dinner and then he'd come back on Christmas Day to spend it with us.

I felt bad that he didn't have family here for him when holidays like this were going on. I know it hurt him so I tried to get him to celebrate it with us so his mind wouldn't be on it as much.

As I walked into the kitchen I was looking at my phone until I heard two voices.

"Hey dad" I said smiling giving him a hug before looking over at the woman sitting across from him. She looked oddly familiar but I wasn't sure where from.  She looked at me with a stare I couldn't distinguish making me feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, my names Lena" I said giving her a small smile as I introduced myself.

My dad looked up at me before telling me to sit down. I sat next to him with a confused face as the woman was still staring at me and my dad looked as if he was trying to figure out the words to say.

"What's going on?" I asked becoming genuinely confused.

"Lena, you remember that picture of your mom I showed you?" He said causing me to furrow my eyebrows before looking at the woman.

It was her. My mom.

But why now? Why was she here? She left when I was so young and now she wanted to show up?

I shook my head before slowly standing up.

"Lena, honey, can we just talk about this?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

My dad nodded making me sit down and try to listen to her. My mind was racing as I tried to understand why she was here. It's been so long that I couldn't even recognize her. Shouldn't that tell her more than enough?

She looked between the both of us before clearing her throat to speak.

"When I left, it wasn't because of you. Don't blame yourself for my decisions. I know it's a little late for me to be saying this but-"

"A little??" I asked with more attitude than I intended.

She looked down before continuing.

"When I left, it was for a job. Your dad and I were already signing divorce papers and I figured it was time to move on. I didn't think that I'd meet someone new when I left, but I did. We ended up getting married and we had a daughter, your sister" she said with a smile while I felt frozen in my seat.

"I I think I'm gonna go dad okay? I can't do this right now" I said as a tear dropped from my eyes and I walked slowly out of the kitchen before running.

I couldn't face her right now. I didn't want to. I could hear my dad yelling my name as I ran out of the front door but I didn't care.

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